How much gear can I bring?
Floatplane load limit is 40 pounds per person. This includes your personal gear, fishing gear, and sleeping bag. In addition to this, each person can bring one life preserver jacket and one case of beverage of their choice. For every two persons you are allowed one cooler (no wheels). Please keep these weight restrictions in mind since any gear beyond this weight limit will be left behind or you will have to pay for the extra flight.
What else should I bring?
Over the years of servicing guests, we have hosted some who are over prepared, and some not quite so prepared....so to help with your packing and shopping needs (or wants) we have compiled a check list of "helpful hints", please download the file and let us know if you have any questions.
What food is provided?
Please click here for a sample of provisions supplied with our fishing packages. Moose hunt food packages vary by group.
Can I bring my OWN food?
YES! You can bring your own food; this will be in addition to what's supplied with KaBeeLo packages. We ask that you continue to be mindful of aircraft weight limits.
When are good times to fish?
July & August are excellent: In general, the weather is stable (warmer and less rain), and the fishing is concentrated around the structure points on the lakes. It is because of these factors that we find our biggest stringers of walleyes and northerns are caught. These are also the ideal months for taking that family vacation on a fly-out fishing trip. Just you and your party – your own cabin on a lake all by yourselves.
What should I know about Border Issues?
Since 2009 all persons entering the USA by land sea or air need a passport. This means that if you are returning to the USA from KaBeeLo you will need to bring your American passport. If you have questions about passport requirements call the U.S. National Information Passport Center at 877-487-2778. With respect to entry into Canada visit the Canadian Border Security Agency (CBSA) website http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/ivc-rnc-eng.html
DWI/DUI? What if I or a group member have a misdemeanor within 10 years?
Any type of impaired driving offence is considered the equivalent to “impaired driving” under the Canadian Criminal Code, interpreted in Canada as a felony and subsequently taken very seriously. So if asked “have you ever been convicted of a crime” you may want to think twice about your answer. A person with a conviction must be deemed “rehabilitated” and be eligible for entry into Canada after a certain period of time has expired from the “completion of the sentence imposed”. Depending on the offence, this could be as short as 5 years or as long as 10 years.
The safest course of action is to make a call ahead of time to Canadian Officials. The Canadian Border Services Agency can be reached at 1-807-274-5281, or 807-274-6068 in which case they can evaluate the situation and provide directions specific to the convicted individual. This call should be made WELL IN ADVANCE of the trip…..
Is live Bait available at your Lodge?
YES – we have a license to sell live bait at our Main Base. For your convenience, live minnows and leeches are available for purchase at the Lodge. Our minnow inventory is delivered fresh ~1-2 times/week directly to our onsite aerated minnow tank. NOTE: leeches are hard to come by in the spring and fall; we require a minimum 2 week advance notice if you deide to purchase leeches from KaBeeLo.
Please let us know your live bait requirements (leeches or minnows) 2 weeks in advance of your trip so we can plan accordingly.
NOTE: NO BAIT OF ANY TYPE CAN BE BROUGHT INTO CANADA. Only synthetic lures are alowed.
What bait/lures do you recommend?
Each season we are asked many questions, however one that seems to be most frequent is “what kind of bait should I use?”. In an effort to simplify the answer, and help with your decision process, we have developed a “Bait Matrix” outlining the pros and cons of common bait options, season availability and the best times use along with some basic
1. Be flexible - get sufficient quantities of each type of bait
2. Be reasonable - cost of bait is only a small part of your fishing experience
3. Be rational - fishing is just that, fishing
4. Set goals - are you going fishing or "grocery shopping?"
5. Be prepared - clothing, equipment & supplies
A mister twister tail and a live minnow work great for Walleye. For a list of suggested lures, please click here to view details listed on our fishing facts page.
Do you have a policy for Trophy Fish?
At KaBeeLo we encourage our guests to practice C.P.R. the anglers' acronym for "CATCH", "PHOTOGRAPH", "RELEASE". While we love to hear about our guests' exciting BIG fish stories, our policy is that ALL BIG FISH (walleye greater than 18”, Northern greater than ~27.5” & Trout greater than 22"……be sure to verify legnths with current license regualtions) be released. Our expectation is PICTURES ONLY and that no trophy fish be kept or consumed.
What about health care coverage when in Canada?
Our first reccommednation is that you contact your current health insurance provider to learn what travel insurance is included in your plan. In most cases, your current plan provder can offer temporary travel insurance.
Can I charge my phone/camera etc at an outpost cabin?
A great solution to not having any power outlets at the outpost cabins is a product called "Power Rocks" - a device that holds enough power to charge up to 10 USB devices.
Is there cell service or WiFi?
The Main Base Lodge on Confederation Lake has WiFi. There is NO cell service at the main base or ANY of the outposts - isn't that the purpose of a remote flyout vacation?
Can I buy a Gift Certificate/Card?
YES! We have gift certificates that can be purchased in any denomination that meets your budget! Valid towards any fishing of hunting trips - fly-out or Main Base. Certificates are valid for 1 year.
What's "FLY-OUT" vs "FLY-IN"?
This question is almsot as common as "when's the best time to go fishing" and is more about persepctive.
Most outfitters market themsleves as "Fly-In" meaning you have to fly into their location. KaBeeLo's perspective is that once you get to KaBeeLo, we fly you OUT to your OUTPOST. Hence "FLY-OUT". It's that simple!
Can I bring my dog?
Pets are an important part of our families and have been making more frequent trips to KaBeeLo - what a great experience! Guests's dogs are welcome with a pet charge ~ $30/night (subject to change). Maximum 1 dog per group/party. While at the main base, dog must be supervised at all times and on a leash for the safety & respect of other guests & staff members. *Grouse hunters subject to a variation of this policy.
What are alcohol & Tobacco Limits?
You are allowed to bring alcohol/tobacco into Canada - please be sure to chec the Governemnt site for specific limitations: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/travel-voyage/atl-lat-eng.html