As first timers we have never caught so many walleyes in our lives, this place is awesome.This place is as good as it gets.

- 2013 season

Bertha Lake


22 miles NE. Approximately 1.5 x 9 miles, KaBeeLo has the only cabin on lake.  The 3 bedroom cabin is designed to comfortably sleep 10 people.

Amenities include running hot and cold water, shower, wood burning stove, 12V & USB plugins, solar lights, propane cook top and refrigerator.  Lake is connected by river to Ruddy Lake.  Species - walleye and northern pike.

15 min. plane ride from KaBeeLo's main base.


Bed Capacity: 2-10 people
Bedrooms: 3
Sqft: 936
Year Built
Last Remodel: 2023
Other: ONLY cabin on the lake


Distance from main base: 28 miles North East
Dimensions: 1.5 × 9 miles
Surface area of Main Lake: 3,256 acres
Shape: Pistol
Average Depth: 12 – 20 feet
Deepest Point: 45 feet
Structure: Many bays with coves, sunken reefs, islands and rock piles 
Species: Walleye and Northern
Other: Connected by river to RUDDY LAKE

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Guest Comments

2023 Season


Kansas city area & Joe Michael Falco (son)(nyc) Joe.N & 2 sons – Tim & Sam (grandson)


3 – generation trip

We had good weather for 3 days  so/so 4th day – caught – over 1,000 walleye this trip.

Joe Falco has fished Bertha 20 times never bad!  This was my 32 trip to Kabeelo!  We only jig fish with plastic & a cut minnow.  We cut all minnows in half!

Kabeelo staff is great!

2022 Season


Falco Crew


Falco Trip -                 6 guys –

30th year at Kabeelo

Never had a bad trip. – We have been to Bertha – at least 15 times – There are no bad lakes in the system.

We had two slow days – 25 fish each.

The other days were over 50 each.

I feel we have fished this lake enough to know it – yet we still hit rocks.

We did not do our normal run to Ruddy as it has been bad for years.

Gino – Joe – Rod – Curtis – Toby – Vince

We like August – but any time is good.

See you next year!

Schleier Group


Schleier Trip     8/14/22 - 8/19/22

Gerald and Matt Schleier are “old hands” at this trip.

Bob Korteis is also a highly experienced fishing Pro.

Richard Schleier came here for the first time!

What an adventure! Over 400 fish caught in 4 days. We were so blessed to be here! Such beauty and gradure. It is so easy to see God’s hands at work. We pray you will grow closer as you experience God’s abundance and blessing. God is here and SO Were We!


Dawson Party



8 – 3 – 22  -  8 – 8 – 22

Had excellent Trip dudes

Great Accomodations – Thank you Kabeelo crew

Walleye – 662

Northern – 86

RinG PeRch – 4

BiG Walleye – 26”

BiG NoRtheRN – 38”

Luck on chart.Lime Same colors of Twister Tail

18 Cases of BeeR

5 LitRes of whiskey

3 Bottles oF Mad DoG 20/20

Ate LiKe KiNGS




TiM I.


Drew S.




          Dave Youngbauer (1st Generation)

          Troy Youngbauer (2nd Generation)

          Tyler Youngbauer (3rd Generation)

          Jon Hoffman

First  time @ Bertha, 4th trip to Kabeelo

Did Brokenmouth, Bear Paw & Dead Dog Previous trips

Fishing was good. Couple great stretches, but had to work around a couple windy days

556 Total fish (24” walleye(3) & 27” Northern)

Saw bull moose on peninsula across from cabin

Best baits were chartuse & pink jighead & Twister tails (1/4 oz)

Caught most fish on western side of lake

Did better with minnows then leeches, both work well though

Thank You for another great fishing trip to Kabeelo

Barnes Party


Bill Barnes - Kevin Barnes - Charlie Shacklee - Michael Todd - Charlie Price - Phillip Price - Bill Gergorie - Bill Green

Fishing good to fair – lost 7hrs to weather

Total Walleye – 1168   Total Northern 156

Big Walleye – 27in     Big Northern 35in

Depth varied from 6’ to 20’

Changed every day

Best colors – char, green + orange on ¼ oz

Jig with leeche.

Fish under water humps

79 walleye over 20 in

2021 Season


Barnes Party


Kevin, Bill & Charlie

1st time in Sept.  usually fish July.

Fishing good – lots of wind & rain every day.

Sitting in cabin on last day – wind to strong to fish hope to make it out for evening bite.  Total for first 5 days – Walleye 710

Northern – 65 (And we count)

Don’t fish northern so any caught is accident.  Total number Walleye 20” and bigger – 60

Biggest Walleye – 25” Biggest Northern 35” 

Hope to add to these total later, but not looking good. 

Best depth 14 to 20’.  Lure of choice ¼” jig burnt orange & cherturse, tipped with minnow.  Perfer leeches, but to late in season.  Would not give up July for Sept become of changing weather, but fishing still excellent.  Big thanks to ALL the crew at KaBeelo for helping us make this trip after loseing 2020 to COVID pandemic fiasco.  Been fishing Bertha since 1988 and will be back in July 2022. 

Hopefully next year won’t be so many stupid rules in place to get across the border.  Got blown off water because of wind went out last time after wind laxed just a little.  Fished 3Hrs to finish up trip final totals.

Walleye – 785

Walleye 20” or bigger 65

Pike 65 all accidents

Big Walleye 25”

Big pike – 35”


Falco Pary | KC Area


7 Guys Came

3 fished for 7 days August 11-21

4 fished for 3 days August 11-17

We caught well over 2,000

As you can imagine we were the first to fish after COVID.  We were also one of the last to fish before COVID.  Lot of hype to come – easy entry at border.  We have fished here for 30 years and have never been disappointed.  We have fished Bertha for 16 years of the 30 – but done good in the other lakes also!  We do not count fish but less than 40 per day per person is a slow day.  We catch fish in 8-22 foot!  Mainly on-the large lake and run between here and Rudy.  The fish are more plentiful in these areas in August.  A trip to Rudy in August can be very disappointing!! Do not advise it in August.

The Lohn family has never let us down-they are great hosts and friends.

Joe F.

Call me if you want advice.

2019 Season



9/8 - Great day of fishing on north side of narrows. Biggest walleye 23” and Biggest northern 33 ½”. Caught roughly 50 walleye and 8 northern. I do not understand all the fuss about the salted minnows they do not taste good @ all. Will try more salt and pepper tomorrow on the grill---

9/9 - went to Ruddy today – very difficult getting there & fishing was not good – ended up eating salted minnows again not bad fried in bacon grease.

9/10 - weather was horrible – windy & rainy – new recipe – fried steak – cream of mushroom soup & 6 potatoes – delicious better than salted minnows

9/11 – fishing was amazing – lots of large walleye. Brought 12 cases of beer and we are out with 2 nights to go (2 guys drinking) – walleye 23”, 23 ½’ and 20”.


5 full days Falco


Temp – Estimate – high 75 low 55

This is our 27th year with KaBeeLo – we have never been disappointed most years – we expect between 30 – 52 walleye per day – some years have exceeded expectation – some years are slower – weather – had a lot to do with it.

We like to bring people who are satisfied with the experience catching a lot of fish should only be a plus! We are all over 60 – so we are looking for an easy but rewarding experience.

Fishing was average this year strong winds & storms 4 out of 5 days. We caught 40 fish + per day each.  This is our 17th time at Bertha but we know all lakes are great.  We all pretty much use ¼ oz – 3/8oz jigs with every color trailer possible.

Some of the guys like road runners. We never target pike – but catch a lot of them. Fishing for walleye.  We had 4- 25” walleye, 1 - 28” walleye and many 20-22”. We feel that the best spots will produce fish eventually – so we keep going back to our hot holes. We caught fish in 9” – 25” of water no better depth than 17’- 20’ in our fishing. We are all from the K.C. area.


3 generations of fishers


7/22 – 7/26/19 

Ken, Brian and Jes    -      Skudlarek Party    -      3 generations of fishers

My dad, Papa and I have been coming up to KaBeeLo for the past 8 years now! We saw a moose, bear, eagle and a gopher between the time we arrived in Canada and now.  Going out fishing after we had some supper.  PS beware of killer gopher that likes jumping out of the woods at night as you are walking to the bathroom!!

Slow morning fishing Bertha, but we had a GREAT walleye fishing at Ruddy Lake – largest walleye almost 25” and largest pike around 25” as well! Going back to Ruddy for all day fishing tomorrow. Update on Henry (the gopher) – he has a girlfriend, we named her Henrietta, happy to see he doesn’t live out here alone.

Went out after supper for more fishing my Papa caught a 20” Pike with a 10” walleye! He got a hit and the fish started fighting then he goes (“oh I think I’m snagged; the fish is coming in like a log now”). Well turned out that’s when the pike practically swallowed the whole little walleye in its mouth! Pulled them both out of the water and the pike spit out the walleye. You just can’t make this stuff up!

Amazing fishing on Ruddy today, my dad caught a 23” walleye, my Papa caught a 24” and 28” walleye then I caught about 3 – 25” Pikes. Alright, here goes another “you can’t make this stuff up” – my dad and I got a hit at the same time, started reeling in and then realized we caught the SAME fish. Another side note – saw a bald eagle catch a fish out of the water. Pretty great trip so far.

When this lake gets choppy from the wind fishing at the shoreline is impossible!  Major sea legs for us all.  Caught almost a dozen fish this morning on Bertha behind the cabin, mainly northern.

Another fantastic week fishing at KaBeeLo, caught almost 100 fish between the 3 of us. Already can’t wait for next year’s adventure. Thanks, KaBeeLo family!

PS Henry loves fruit snacks, he’s not too shay about it either; let me toss fruit snacks at him from about 2 ft. away��

UMD Boys


UMD Boys – Brian, Andi, Joel, Rick, Kevin & Nick

7/18 – Arrived around 6pm & fished last 3 hours of the day. 81 walleyes and 9 northern. Largest was 25” – Kevin (Jig and Minnow 15-21 ft. off humps).

7/19 – Great day on the lake! Slept in until 7:30, had a big breakfast and headed out around 9:00am. Much windier conditions & hard to get jig to bottom even with ½ oz jigs. Mixed results in AM with highest success off of northern shoreline 20-25 Ft. ridge.  Dead calm in evening. Locaters all died but still found a lot of success off of rocks just on other side of narrows – 207 walleye and 23 northern.  Largest walleye – 25 ½ “- Brian and Largest Pike 33” – Andi.

7/20 – Best day yet. Captain Randy along with Kevin & Joe got 202 walleyes for the day. Other two boats had 58 walleye’s each for a grand total of 318 walleyes & 30 northern. Most success off of long shoreline on North of lake 15 – 23 ft. water.

Joe decided throwing Brian’s fish grabber in the lake was a good idea. Joe had raingear in boat but didn’t know. Spent 2+ hour in rain… Largest walleye 27”- Brian.

7/21 – Last day Minnows low. 90 dozen almost gone. Mostly trolling. 109 walleye and 24 northern. Brian with 22.5” walleye and Andi with a 34” northern.

Trip tally – 715 walleyes and 86 northerns

Mashke Crew


First morning Bertha fishing…  made breakfast – Moose (Bull) swam right in front of camp. Good size about 900 lbs. We had a total of 8 guys – 5 Pro’s & 3 rookies to the group.  We drove for 21 hours to get here, but the last 35 miles of gravel road seemed like the longest.

The fly-in was awesome. The lake is great.  The fishing hot spots that Allysson pointed out for us were “right-on”. Chef Bruce did a great job with the food.  We had to ration the beer & the brandy the last day, but our surf & turf dinner made up for it.

The fishing was super. Every time we took out the boat everyone caught a nice stringer.  We caught 339 fish told a few lies and had a lot of laughs. We had a great time and this is a great resort. Thanks. Jim one of the rookies.


7/18/2019 6:30AM

Flyout delayed due to heavy mist. Big storm last night heavy rain & wind. Woke up to a large puddle of water on kitchen floor- rain pounding on door pushed into cabin, under doorway threshold.  May have been a mistake trying to use up perishable provisions- No eggs for another breakfast four stay is extended as the previous party. 8:30 – first plane arrived! 8:31 – 2nd plane arrived! Outa here

The Barnes Party



Barnes Party   -   Bill/ Kevin/Harrison Barnes/ Charlie Shacklee/ Mike Todd

5 days fishing with total of 1743 walleyes and 80 northern

61 walleyes over 20” with biggest at 27” and Northern 34”

Fish under water humps & ridges. Best depth 14’ to 18’

Lure of choice ¼ oz jig with leech.

Been fishing Bertha since 1988. Best year ever.

The Barnes Party


The Barnes party has been fishing Bertha exclusively since 1988 - needless to say they have years of fishing statistics - below are "just a few"...


11:00PM July 5, 2019

We just completed our second day of daily fly-in fishing. Yesterday was Jeanette and today was Bertha. Four dads, four sons, for four days at KaBeeLo. It’s been a great time with plenty of fish jumping in the boats.  But tomorrow will be a different experience….

Our party is eight total, which means it takes two flights to get us all back to the lodge. Flight #1 showed up on time (Bigger turbine engine plane) and we were told the second plane would be delayed.  One dad and the four 13- year olds took off about 6:00PM.  The three remaining dads waited for plane #2. Unfortunately almost all clothing and gear was loaded onto plane#1.

We were told plane#2 would be delayed because smoke from wild fires in the area cut visibility down at the main lodge.  Most of the afternoon, delaying when plane #2 could make other pick-ups. That didn’t seem like a big deal because at Bertha it was beautiful and completely clear. By 8:00pm we started to seriously consider that the second plane might not be coming.  We actually could be stuck at Bertha for the night without any plans to stay there. This means the only water we had was the lake, the only food we had is what KaBeeLo had left in the house, and the only clothes we had were what we had on. No bedding or towels either.

At 8:00 PM with no plane arriving we launched a boat to go catch dinner. It was now time to fish under pressure rather than for pleasure. Chuck and Ben delivered pulling in three walleye and a perch by 9:15pm and it was a good thing… at about 8:15pm the wind picked up and sky went from clear to a smoky fog. It was clear that no plane would be landing tonight.

8:33AM July 6, 2009

I woke up at 6:30AM surprised by how well I slept in the very cool temperature.  I didn’t even have to lookout the window to know that our unexpected stay at KaBeeLo’s Bertha cabin was going to be extended.  One deep breath and it was obvious we were still in the middle of a massive smoke haze.

Chuck and Ben had already left to fish for breakfast.  I think they had fewer than 12 minnows left and only 1 of our 3 tackle boxes did not go on the flight #1 yesterday… so not sure how easy the fishing will be.

I’m in the cabin trying to recall the last time I’ve been disconnected from the world of instant communication, and therefore responsibilities, of running a business, parenting, coaching youth sports, etc… There’s no space to go exercise, which doesn’t matter much because all I have are flipflops.  There’s no news to read on-line.  I’m just sitting here writing in this Journal to spend time - very strange feeling!!! I’m very curious how things are going for the one dad with the four 13-year old’s back at the main lodge.



6/15 – 6/20/2019

Weather was perfect, 70 degree and sunny almost every day. Hit the full moon phase & stable weather each day helped out.  Caught many quality sized walleye & northern. Too many 14” to count (walleyes) many 18”, 17’, 16” fair amount of 19” – 22”.  Largest walleye – 28” and Largest Northern – 35”. The birds ate well! The boiled lake water is good!



A week of high winds, rain and chilly temperatures. Fishing was consistent with a few good size walleyes – 25”and 24.5” the largest, with 36 over 20” northerns in the narrows were always ready to play. The largest was 37”. Lots of smaller northerns. The eagle likes to perch in the narrows.  Boats and motors worked great. Thanks for the new landing nets. Cabin worked at 100% - Shower was the best.

See you next year for our 30th Year at KaBeeLo!

Thanks from JBWG


Saturday June 1, 2019 - We arrived late in the afternoon on June 1st.  It was a warm breezy day. The flight in was smooth and all the supplies we needed were brought in.  Our first meal is going to be spaghetti & meatballs. It is going to be a great week.

Sunday June 2, 2019 - It was cold this morning, but no rain.  Fishing was slow all day until around 4:30 then the walleye started to bite.  We had a fantastic fish fry and hope to have more.  There are no clouds in the sky and the lake is calm tonight.  We think tomorrow is going to be a great fishing day.  Lots of laughs, jokes, and stories around the table during and after dinner.  We are all Johnny Carson fans and our favorite guests were Buddy Hackett, Bod Newhart, and Don Rickles!

Monday June 3, 2019 - Today we caught fish… walleye and northern.  Conversations about Trump and how we feel about, think about, and hear what he says.  I think he is a great President and others feel the exact opposite.  The election in 2020 will say more than what we expect and hope for on either the Republican or Democratic side. God Bless us.

Tuesday June 4, 2019 - Breakfast was Jimmy Dean sausage, veggies and eggs. Did I mention that the coffee is great here at Bertha lake.  Chuck Ash knows how to make it.  Our water stopped working today so we are bringing in buckets from the lake to do dishes and clean up.  Ed Patsckle caught a 37” northern on a jig and a minnow. It took at least five minutes to land him. We measured it and released it for someone else to catch… be ready.  We had another walleye fish fry made in the cast iron pans and the fish were perfect. It was windy today so everyone went to sleep early.

Wednesday June 5, 2019 - Today the weather was the highlight. A small breeze, fishing shirts and pants (no insulated jackets or long underwear) and lots of sunshine.  The fishing for walleyes was sparse today, but plenty of northerns.  We had steaks, rice, asparagus and salad for dinner. Tomorrow is our last day of fishing, we hope to catch a few more walleyes to take home.  Erik flew in today to fix our water and we were able to take showers tonight.  KaBeeLo owners and staff are great people and run a great fishing company.

Thursday June 6, 2019 - This was or last day of fishing and it was the best day of fishing. We caught northern and walleye. When the bite is on it doesn’t matter what color or if it is a leech or a salted minnow we caught fish.  The northern were jumping in the split. The weather was warm.

2018 Season


Moose hunt 2018 9/17/9/23


3 moose Monday 3pm on Ruddy. Big bull, cow, calf.  No shot.  Nothing Tuesday.  Wednesday missed big bull, missed 5 times 380 yard shot.  Ruddy again same spot.  Nothing rest of the week.  Bull grunting by camp hunted last day on bertha. 

Bertha is not moose hunting worthy, ruddy is the place to be.  Boat ride to Ruddy sucks 50 minutes.  Paddle up aways to get in Ruddy.  Big winds keep you off lake to get to Ruddy.  Lost one days hunt because of wind.

Dawson Party | Iowa


Fifth time @ Bertha lake and as usual…. Plenty of fish were caught.  Got a 27” down by ruddy cut and a 28” up by the islands.  It was very windy each day, so drifting was quick and back – trolling was “wet”.  Non the less, we still averaged around 100 fish (+) a day between the 4 of us.

Got a visit from the bear last night while enjoying some adult beverages around the camp – fire.

He was dragging our garbage out from under the deck while we told “lies” around the fire.

All in all …. Another rewarding visit to Bertha.  It would have been tough if we were 1st timers because of the wind, but we’ve been here enough times we knew where to go.  We’ll be back!


Mowris & Crew


My son & daughter brought me back to KaBeeLo in honor of my upcoming 70th birthday.  I have been coming here since 1974 or 1975, often twice a year until recently.  The peace and quite here is amazing, as is the noise of a large group can make as they enjoy the fishing, the stars, the northern lights, and the fun we have playing cards, or just goofing.

Today aug.22 we arrived in two groups at the end of the day.  Despite that late arrival, we ventured out and caught 6 very nice walleye for dinner.  We also had to return a 21” walleye to the lake.  The only downside was the smoke from the in western Canada, which made the air hazy, the sunset red, and the moon & stars barely visible.

Aug. 23 we awoke to find a very large bald eagle enjoying our fish guts on the rock across from the cabin, we spent the day exploring the lake & re-discovering old & finding new fishing spots.

Had a wonderful day with great fishing & “lil pike” Woodward our 8 year old fishing sensation caught the biggest northern at 25”  (32” inches the next day!)

Matt caught the biggest (23”) and most walleyes today, as we caught over 100 fish.

(Matt then caught a 26” walleye the last day.)

Over all a beautiful trip with great fishing and a great Berth Lake Experience

Bonnie H.


We had a beautiful week.  No bear sightings!!

Between the six of us we caught 560 fish, with Josh and Hallie leading the group for the biggest and the most.

Great family time




Caught more northern pike than walleyes although we fished hard to find schools of walleye.  Five of diamonds was most effective while large spinners worked too.  Minnows on jigs were not effective on walleye.

We caught enough to eat fish every day.  Great weather each day except for part of one day (rainy/windy).  We had a great time.

Walleye = 22      Pike = 101

The second night the bear came.  It came up on the deck& put its paws on the big glass window.  No kidding.  It left paw prints to prove it. 

Good Times!  



3 ½ days 7 people

712 walleyes     biggest 24 1/2”

86 northern   biggest 32”

Most walleyes 16 -22’ water on all colors of jigs w/minnows or ½ night crawler

2 northerns netted while attacking small walleyes

When we got here, the grill was on the ground and a bear had chewed up two gas cans.  The bear came back into camp the next two days (while we were on the deck)


Great trip!  

C. Klumpe


The fishing was very fun.  The map provided for the lake is very misleading and if you want to find the deep water and the 18+ inch walleye, you’re going to want to head true north.  The biggest walleye I saw while here was 22”.  I had a very good time while here and I’d definitely come back given the opportunity.  This was an excellent first experience.  

The Barnes Crew


Fish 5 days- very windy 4 days dead calm 1 day.

Water warm 70F – fish deeper than normal

14 – 26’ but some as deep as 28’

Jig and leeches – orange, Bite very soft, needed to let fish load rod be for setting hook.

Walleye – 1,523

Northern – 119

67 Walleye over 20”

Biggest walleye 27”     Biggest Northern 24”

Need depth finder to fish under water humps.


Miller Party


Great time!  Great Fishing! Great Guys!  

Dytko Group


An amazing trip.  The core has been coming for over 15 years.  Our good friend Tom. D had set up the original outing.  Tom unfortunately passed away last year.  His presence and memories were mentioned often.  God Bless.  This was Joe’s first trip and will not be his last.  They have three other brothers who will hounded into submission in attending.  Walleye 24”, Pike hit with regularity in unusually hot as hell weather 85 F .  Cabin was perfect and the equipment worthy.  This outfitter has their shit together.  Until next time.

Bickner Group


(9 people from IL & MI)

Good walleye numbers, some over 24”.  But not as many as in prior years.  Channel still active but mostly smaller walleyes. In 3.5 days caught 1,361 walleyes and 152 northern. Largest walleye 28” and largest northern 34 ½”.

New boats and motors, motors backtroll nicely.  Service and provisions always excellent. 

Fish were “stuck” on the bottom and mouthing or biting very light, no strikes or aggressive biting.  Fish in 9-12’ feet of water – see map for hot spots.  

2017 Season


Dave & Mark


Just two of us were here.  Father & son.  We have fished at another operation for 25 years and decided to try KaBeeLo.  Beautiful weather and great fishing.  3-1/2 day trip.

100+ walleyes.  Dave’s personal best 28”

Caught fish at every spot we tried.  Jig and ½ nightcrawler with a brown and burnt jig tail.  Mostly in big lake along the long straight shoreline.

30+ pike (trolling mostly).  Mark’s biggest = 36”, Dave’s biggest = 33”

Overall it was a great fishing trip.  It is a well run operation with wonderful people.  Next time we will bring more beer and towels!

Mark & Dave

Falco - 4 Guys


5 day trip + ½ day on front end.

We have fished w KaBeeLo since ’91, 24 trips, 12 at Bertha.

The four of us caught at least 300 walleye each day, totals close to 1800.  We know every hump and setup a milk run of about 12-15 holes, most on the Big Lake.  When we do fish the wall – we catch good ones but not as many as the islands.  Expect to catch 100 fish in one outing everyday on one of the islands.  Never tried to troll – only jig w minnows/leaches or plastic.  Do not fish northern since so many caught while we fish for walleye.  KaBeeLo runs a good operation – won’t go elsewhere.

Trying Jeanette next year – need a new challenge!


Pender/Mugge/Hurkman Group


6 guys in 3 boats for a LOT of fun!!  Some jigging & lots of trolling w/ rapalas.

Friday night weather was great!!  Saturday AM windy & PM rain & overcast.  Sunday – very HOT & calm – slow fishing.  Monday – breezy w/ clouds.  Tuesday – blown off the lkae with high winds but toughed out for a good day of fishing.

Great time had by ALL!  Ate like kings, lots of cards & laughs at night.  Couldn’t ask for a better set-up!!  Definitely coming back again!! Thanks KaBeeLo.  PS – when going through channel, troll a rapala about 15” behind boat…every time!

TOTALS:  298 walleye, 174 Northern, total 472 Fish!

The "Boyz" fr NC


Brad, Thad, “Punkin” & Pappy

Fly in – great day.  Lots of fish: walleye 100 plus (2) 21”

Northern = 50 plus (1) 35”, several 30”

Ate limit walleye

Fri – very windy, slow fishing in AM.  PM walleye fait.

Sat:  AM light rain – fishing slow

PM: great afternoon!  Front moved out & wind slowed.  Fishing GREAT approx. 80 walleye, 20 northern.

Good day had by all.  Mallens 30th year – thanks KaBeeLo!

Barnes Party


Have fished Bertha since 1988 and just gets better each year.

Fished 5.25 days:

  • Total walleye 1530
  • Total Pike 120
  • 63 Walleye over 20”
  • Big walleye = 26.5”
  • Big Pike = 36”

Jig & leeches – Berkley 3” power grubs.  Jog colour burnt orange, grubs fire tiger and Christmas lights.  Under water humps = best depth 19’ to 18’

“Good Luck”

Bill Barnes, Kevin Barnes, Devin Peabody, Michael Todd, Charlie Shacklee.


The Manske Group


Had 3 adults,  5 kids - 7 years old to 12.  First day, one boat caught 223 fish.  Largest Northern 43” caught by a 12 year old.  He is still shaking.  Largest walleye 27”.  3 boats average fish caught per day was over 100 fish.  Largest walleye from dock 23”.  Small jigs and leeches every cast on dock.  Great time!

The Jones Party


2 days of great fishing: limits were achieved.  Last day after a night of rained – fished hard.   Suggest that to bring fish home start saving/freezing them early. 

  • Largest walleye caught 27”
  • Largest Northern – 37.5”
  • 2 perch caught 6-8”
  • No rock bass or suckers

Nice Northern off the end of dock.

Fun watching eagle consume scraps (guts).  It became our evening entertainment!  Had 3 eagles on the rock and one in the trees.  Good fishing spot was at the “narrows” and along “eastern shores” – shadows along shores in AM.

Nice to have access to solar power for charging phone – used for pictures.  Thanks, Great tIme!

2016 Season


Gene, Randy & Chris


Arrived 9-7 – three friends Gene, Randy & Chris that go back 50 years (almost). This was a 1st time to KaBeeLo for Chris & Gene, 8th trip for Randy. The rookies out fished the veteran by 5:1 at least.

We were prevented from getting into “Big” Bertha for 2 of our 4 days. High winds as we came in from channel didn’t seem worth risking. We caught plenty of walleye across by rock outcropping just right of Ruddy river entry. Gene caught a 37 inch northern in the same area. Best walleye was over in big Bertha once we got in there.  Off to the east end around islands, the walleye were plentiful. Biggest was 26 inches.

First time for Randy on Bertha. I was really impressed with the size, structure and awesome beauty of this outpost. We saw eagles each day, especially as they waited to feast on our fish remains. We were also treated to some spectacular sunsets and rainbows.

All in all, a memorable trip that we will talk about the rest of our lives. Well, at least until out memories are shot. (getting close already).

Thanks to the entire KaBeeLo operation and especially the LOHN family. Over the years they have been nothing but the friendliest, most accommodating fly – in fish resort. I’m hopeful there will be more trips up to this very special place



Latina (Tom) | Loveland CO


What can I say? This is my “Golden” trip - #50! If there is a better run lodge north of the mason/Dixon line would someone please let me know!

KaBeeLo has always been my favorite get away – the owners (old and new) have been the best! !

As far as the lake goes – well just get on the water and drop something over the side of the boat with a hook on it and you’ll be pulling up dinner shortly! I caught many walleyes over 20” and that was 26” and the biggie was 28”!

Had a 40” northern that made me work my a** off and then another “horse” that I never saw as he kept running out and eventually broke my line of 8lb test with a spinner and minnow!

Best of luck to all that follow! Love the Lohns!

Stave/Hoschka Group


3 adults. 5 kids (2-14 yr., 1-12 yr., 1-11 yr., 1-10)

Lots of fish, stayed in main bay to south due to high winds. Approx. 450 fish total

38” Northern was highest, Many walleye between 14” – 16” Biggest walleye 23”

This was a trip that grandpa wanted to have all the grandkids together.

Fun times. Rain each day. Bad thunderstorm last night.

Thanks to KaBeeLo’s!



We were here and now we’re not.

We had a great time, thanks a lot.

Sure we paid, but we’d come for free.

Wake early, go to bed late, there’s much to see.





Two Groups – from KC & Wilton, Iowa. We had a great fishing not as well as past, but did have 2-25” and 6-23” and 10 over 21”. Weather was good – one day of rain. We averaged 150-200 fish per day on all the normal spots.

The main lake produced the most fish – both sides & islands. We did real well in the northeast – lake (through the cut and go to the right.) We only fished deeper.

Barnes Party


Total Walleye – 1484 – Big walleye 25”- Mike Todd

Total Northern – 113 Big Northern 35”- Mike Todd

45 Walleye 20” or bigger

Fished underwater humps with jig & leech.  Have fished Bertha since 1988, still a great walleye lake.




Our 26th year with KaBeeLo. We have not been on Bertha since 2009.  Recovery from the two fires has been substantial.  The greenery in the NE Bay is beautiful. The old fishing spots still produce! 25.5 (2) + 37” Northern fish around the new resident, the beaver hut, and fish will come.

Most fish were in 10-15”, but with high winds, shallow worked as well. Did not fish cabin side much. Fish were smaller, 36” Northern was the best. Far end of lake produced walleye, 26”

Most of walleyes on jig + leech- Not much casting, except in narrows, where northern are always ready to hit! !

After 26 years, you can always count on excellent service from Harald + Ann. – passed down to Erik + Allysson –

Thanks for helping us make memories. We look forward to many more years at KaBeeLo-

Your friends


2014 Season


Tasa Family - First time @ KaBeeLo


9/12 - arrived around 3PM unpacked.  Went fishing until 7pm - 46 fish, enough for dinner.  Fished in southeast Bertha, weather was windy + cool.

9/13 - fished in big side of Bertha, weather was windy - cool - no rain and lots of fish.  140 total; largest Northern was 36", largest walleye was 26". Using fake bait, frozen minnows + lots of jigs.

9/14 - went to Ruddy to explore - not much there, was fun paddling thu rocks - no fish.  Hit fishing spot on main Bertha around noon.  Caught 91 fish total; largest walleye was 28", largest pike was 28".

9/15 - caught 25 fish in 50  minutes.

Best of times - kids beat the parents - looking forward to next trip for Tasa's!

Awesome fishing, doesn't get better than this!!! 


Kansas City Guys - Falco Group - 7 guys


Great trip - 4th year at Bertha have fished with KaBeeLo for 16 years - no surprises with Harald and Family.

Caught 8 fish over 25".  Largets walleye was 29"!!!!

Good Luck!


Skudlarek Party


This is our 4th year @ KaBeeLo and first year at Bertha, the last 3 years have been at Seagraves Lake.

Monday: Flown in early, started fishing @ 5:00 pm, caught one small Northern then went in due to weather.  Saw two bald eagles flying over the lake.

Tuesday: Had a superslow morning, only 2 fish from 8 am - noon....  After lunch went out and caught half a dozen decent walleyes + pikes.  Caught two 25" pike behind the cabin and two 16" walleye for dinner.

Wednesday: Went out and fished the pathway connecting this side of the lake with the far back west stretch of the lake, caught about 20 pike and only 3 walleye.  Biggest pike was about 27", smallest was 7" (really small).  walleye were all too small for good fillets.  One smaller pike swallowed the hook and was bleeding out so we left it on land farther out for the eagle.  Went back out after lunch, around 2pm, and basically explored the back side of the lake, no fish but really pretty green trees away from where the fire hit in 2011.   The waves weres crazy choppy in the open, went back by the cabin around 4:45pm to catch some fish.  Caught the lake 60% of the time, but we did eventually catch some decent sized pike.  NO WALLEYE.  The people before us must have caught and ate them all!!!

Thursday: Started off fishing by the cabin, then explored a little.  We found the walleye!!!!  They're all at Ruddy (connecting lake) caught a monster walleye at about 28" and saw KaBeeLo's uninhabited cabin.  Good way to end the trip - Ruddy is a better, less open and rocky lake to fish.  Eating walleye for lunch then packing and cleaning before maybe going out for a quick fish......

Another satisfying year here at KaBeeLo Lodge 😊

Total:  44 fish, 11 walleye and 33 pike - not as impressive as those before us, but believe it or not this was a pretty good year for us!

The Missouri Boys


This was only our 2nd time fishing Bertha and being at KaBeeLo Lodge.  We are always so happy and excited the day we fly in and depressed the day we have to leave.  This is our heaven and we are thankful for the chances we have had to enjoy this amazing place.  Looking forward to many more visits.  Best of luck to everyone.....

Sun 7/20/14 - only fished about an hour after getting here due to poor weather.  Caught 16 walleyes w/ the biggest guy being 5 lbs and 24".

Mon 7/21/14 - 48 walleyes, 11 pike.  Really windy all day w/ sun.  Focused on 14 foot range and tried to hide from the wind w/ mixed results.  Tried fishing Ruddy a little.

Tues 7/22/14 - 100 walleye, 17 pike.  Fished deeper water, fought the wind caught more fish.

Wed 7/23/14 - 75 walleye, 25 pike.  Ran up to Ruddy to fish the first part of the day.  Took a nap in the afternoon and then caught fish until dark on Bertha.

Thurs 7/24/14 - 111 walleye, 16 pike.

Fri 7/25/14 - 164 walleye, 20 pike

Totals = 514 walleye, 89 pike

The Kansan Boys


Started out cold & rainy but still caught some fish but nothing to brag about.  3rd day the weather straightened out and fishing improved.  

Mosty fished jigging with 1/8-1/4 oz jigs + curly tails with a leech trailer.  Fish around submerged structure in 12-18 ft of water.  Trolling produced 3 nice (not great) pike (36"+) and one 27-28" walleye.  Also caught some similar size fish jigging.

Most importantly we decompressed, slept + had an awesome time drinking adult beverages (14 cases of beer) and watching the fire, moon + stars.  Unfortunately no northern lights this time.  Three old men + one young boy (23) but if all young men are like this guy we are going to have a good future.

No stress, no phone, no computer, no worries!

Have a great time & god bless you!  The Kansan Boys!

Last day - final entry: went to far west end of lake today & caught mostly pike but also caught 5 white fish with the biggest 23".

Barnes Party


Fished 5 days plus 3.5 hours.  

Total Walleye = 1368.  100 were over 20".  Largest measured 28".

Total Northern = 210.  Largest measured 36".

Fish deeper than usual - most 14' to 22' some out to 27'.  Almost all fish caught on a jig & leech.  Best colors - orange/orange & yellow/bubblegum.

Fished under water humps & ridges most big fish since we started coming to Bertha in 1988.

Barnes Party


Trip Totals: 1,368 walleye and 210 Northern:

  • 100 walleye fish over 20"
  • biggest walleye - 28"
  • biggest nothern - 36"

Fished areas:

  • flat rock, 122 walleyes and 4 northern.  Used chartreuse & white head with yellow pink body; variety of colours; methyolate with green chart. body; pink head with white eyes with yellow/orange grub
  • narrows, 209 walleye and 35 northerns.
  • double ridge & hidden lake, 235 walleye and 7 northern 
  • double ridge reef, little island reef & jug island, 277 walleye and 32 northern
  • red pine reefs 10'-14' lee side of reel, 195 walleye and 26 northern
  • Ruddy cove, 47 walleye and 8 northern
  • little island hump and repeat of above, 214 walleye and 20 northern

Hamblen Party


Arrived Tuesday AM, cold & constant light rain with much wind all day.  Enjoyed a great dinner of walleye, however nothing tastier!

Inspite of the weather, this was the BEST walleye experience out guys ever experienced & continued to be for the next 3 days we were here.

We used just the right number of minnows ~50dozen, for our average to full-time fisherman, & they were quite happily tired from all the work of catching so many fish!

Enjoyed walleye every dinner & for some lunches.  It's the BEST.

Thanks to the staff for such a great welcome and having the cabin so well stocked.  This was a GREAT experience!


3 Generations from Wisconsin


Kabeelo Gang (Ann, Harald, Allysson & Erik + staff) -

Thanks again for the hospitality, accommodations, and tremendous fishing experience!  As always, we had a very memorable trip and it is enjoyable to see the next generation improving upon the already great experience!  I have mailed you a couple of pictures:

  1. The three generations of us at Bertha with some stringers of walleyes. 
  2. 9 yr old with a 22” Walleye


  • 754 total fish
  • 102 walleye 20" or greater
  • Biggest walleye = 26"
  • Biggest Northern = 35.5"

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous rest of the summer.

P.S.   Erik – I can almost guarantee that our 9 year old's “What I did this summer” report will begin with flying a plane in Canada…..thanks for the experience!

Schleier Party | 5 anglers


Total caught: 1,277 fish!

Largest walleye: 2 @ 25 inches

Largest "snake" Northern: 39 inches

Used Bottom bouncers & Leeches.  Jigs & worm tipped. 

Fished 9 am - 9:30 pm


Bickner Party - 6 anglers


Great trip - here are the facts. 

  • 1,410 total fish
  • 1,191 Walleyes and 219 Northerns  
  • Largest Walleye 28.5", largest Northern 33.5", lots of walleyes 24-28" 
  • Fish in 4-9 feet of water, beginning to move deeper and into larger portions of lake
  • Used jigs tipped with live minnows exclusively - 225 dozen
  • We fished to after 10pm and did not start before 10am
  • In monday night rainstorm, 2 of us caught 84 fish in 90 minutes!!!!!

Will be in touch soon about 2015 dates for Bertha or Okanse.

2013 Season



Great weather middle of August did not keep the walleye count. Jigs, minnows and crawlers were the choice baits. The north shore and southeast islands in 15’ of water. Great time on Bertha once again.


August 18-20th as first timers we have never caught so many walleyes in our lives, this place is awesome. The depth was 20’-25’ for the walleye, some in the channel but most in NW corner of the lake. This place is as good as it gets.


Good fishing all along the north shore and north shore islands all the walleye in 14’ to 17’ of water.



“Hot” walleye’s around rocks. Next day thunderstorm’s. Good bite in the evening.


The five of us 1,362 walleye and 141 northern pike’s we did not want to catch. Have been fishing Bertha lake since 1988.



The six of us a day late due to bad flying weather conditions for float planes. Trip weather was cold, warm, wind no wind and still caught 987 fish, but who is counting. 40 walleye over 24” and two 28“walleye and the largest northern 38.5”, all fish we tight to the bottom. Used jigs and minnows.

Next group in largest walleye 26”, 354 walleye, 85 northern, 5 perch, unlimited rocks and 1,000 jigs lost. Once again into the fray….

2012 Season



Father/Son: Day 1, tough fishing with high winds, white caps but caught fish, ate fish and did not find “hot water” [flame out in hot water tank]. Day 2 – perfect weather! Day 2 – hot water tank lit (nice to have a hot shower). Day 3 – repeat of day 1 except we had hot water. Day 4 – BEAUTIFUL! Light winds, blue skies, filled out on walleyes, cleaned up, packed up and ready for tomorrow pickup. Another great trip on Bertha.


Father/Son. Generally speaking, weather was variable with wind changing, high waves, overcast, rain, freezing temperatures (saw our breath!!). All in all, good trip – see you next year.

Dennis Horn


Fishing was very good! Caught most of our fish in 14 – 20’; total catch was 400+ walleye 100+ northerns. Lucky Larry was “the man” with walleyes 29”, 27.5” 25” and 24”. While lucky in fishing Larry had unexpected swim at the dock and didn’t quite make the outhouse in time. (Smile). 


Kevin and


Also, John Logan left his thermos at the cabin. He said if it turned back up at the lodge, just ship it back to him and he’d take care of the shipping. Not a big deal either way.

Well back to work.
Take care and good luck with business the remainder of the season.


Father/son and good friend! 5 ½ days caught 966 walleye & 110 northern pike. Been on this lake since 1988 and this year we had very few small walleye. Lots and lots of walleye 18 – 19.5” – to many too keep track of.



6 Guys/ Lessons of the lake: Fish whether raining or not; spend time together; don’t use the side entrance to the cabin; the outhouse – don’t look down & enjoy the breeze; live bait is great; a movie and tunes are welcome; understand the venture effect, especially for the wood stove & outhouse; get instructions on lighting the hot water tank. Overall, good trip. Fathers, sons, in-laws with lots of memories to share. Remember, whatever experiences you had you are now blessed with new memories – some to share and some to keep to yourself.


6 Guys/4 days good fish; bellies full and fridge is full. Day 2 – we lost track of the count of numbers of fish we caught. Tons over 20”. We have used up 18 dozen minnows and 1.5 lbs of leeches. Yikes! Day 3 – fish everywhere. Lots over 20”. Caught approximately 75-100 in 4.5 hours. Day 4 – cloudy, windy, light rain. Catching fish with jigs & a twister. Pick anything in your tackle box it will work. Fish fry – hooray!

2011 Season


Dennis Horn


There was a concern about switching to another lake, but that all went out the window on the first day when we found fish plentiful. It just got better after that. The stay at the cabin was perfect and at times it felt like we were back at Bertha. Always comfortable at you cabins. Thanks for everything and tell the family hi from us. Take care of those little ones too. Until next time.


A group of 8 from outside of Kansas City, MO. Fished Bertha Lake in 2011.


Just wanted to drop a quick note and thank you and KaBeelo again for another awesome trip. Everyone in the group had a great time. Weather was perfect and fishing was too, as always. We spent the night in Faribault on Friday. Drove through some nasty storms ( 65 mph winds ) north of Minneapolis. Made it through them and ran into more bad storms in Faribault. We survived and made it home Sat. morning.
— Kevin and “The St. Joe Boys” 

2010 Season


Joe & Jim


Day 1, Arrived 2pm – Set up had Beer. No moose First ½ day, more beer & scruffy Brats for dinner & more beer.

Day 2, We miss Dave – SE winds, motor not working too good, found some fairly evident moose sign, not coming to call YET!!! Beer is good.

Day 3, Wind north – Strong 25 hp broke down no spark, paddled for 2 ½ hours to get back to camp. No moose yet wind picked up in pm no moose.

Day 4, AM cold & calm called 1 Bull would not show his head 150 yards wind picked up in PM. No response Joe is getting cranky.

Day 5, Sunday was windy. So we went for a boat ride to west end of Bertha for the fun of it and saw a moose on shoreline called it in & Joe pulverized it five feet from shore Easy pickins. We were back at camp with Bull tagged & bagged by 7pm. Joe is Happy – Now it’s beer time. The end.


Johnson Group of 8


Friday Aug 20th Sunny & 80 Big Northern 29” 5 to 10 mph wind S Big Walleye 27 ½”

Sat Aug 21 Sunny 80 Big Walleye 25” 5 Mph wind West Big Northern 33”

Sunday Aug 22 Sunny 85 East Big Walleye 28” Big Northern 28”

Mon Aug 23 Sunny 80 Big Walleye 22 ½” South winds 15 to 20 Big Northern 28 ½”

Walleye around 800 for trip Northern around 100

19 cases of beer 1 liter of crown/ 1 liter crown Royal/ 1 liter of brandy 1 liter of capair/ 1 liter of Windsor

1st time to Bertha 20th trip to KL!!

Aug 31 – Sept 6, What an awesome 6 Days it has been! We had wind & rain & sun and more wind and rain & lots of sun but always wind! We really do not count but we definitely caught hundreds of walleyes and many northern. Biggest Walleyes was 28” caught by Carole! A lot of walleyes 24” – 27” best trip yet for numbers of big walleyes! We found 1 real good spot in the islands and stayed there most of the time out of the wind! God willing we will be back to Bertha Lake! Thank you Harald & Ann for making this great experience in God’s creation possible! God Bless Cliff & Carole

Owens Party of 2


Arrived Sunday afternoon. Fished for 2 hours. Couple of small ones. Major storm predicted, but never materialized. Hot, no wind. Made soup & got ready for Monday.

Aug 9, Monday – Up @ 6 out by 7:15. Caught several Northern, one perch & one walleye. Around 10:15 small Northern caught & when I went to remove it IT happened! The Northern did a wiggle jump and one of the terrible hooks went DEEP into my pinkey. Holy Hanna! Both of us forgot our Leatherman tools. We got the hook forced through the other side so the barb was out! Good Lord did that hurt!!!! I had to sit still while my dad used a hook File to file the entire hookend off. I’m a Military college grad & not wuss but wowzers was that not fun. Fot it out & went back out fishing after bandaging me up. 80’s of calm fish in 12+ Feet of water per the sonar. Walleyes sitting on the bottom. This trip can only get better!!!

Aug 10, Tough day, HOT & no breeze. Fish in 15+ water. Only 1 northern in the morning. Finger healing & doesn’t hurt too much. The afternoon was a bit better but I’ve really had to work have to catch fish. We called it a day after my reel broke & my dad’s line got caught in the prop. We went in, cleaned fish, ate , read a bit & went to bed at 4am is going to come early. This weather has got to break & so does our luck!

Aug 11, 4 am & chilly the wind had picked up & rain is coming!!! The morning was good, wet & slow but we got fish. This is our 2nd season on Bertha & last year we killed the fish & this year it seems to be the lake’s win…

The evening from started off slow & wet. We brought 2 decent northern in trolling and on our final pass BAM!!!! This thing was huge. I told me dad it was luring the boat & it was! I landed a 35” 20#+ Northern! What a way to end the day watching that big buy swim away after I released him.

Terre Haute, IN


Tim, Jackie, Scott, Terri. Cold Front Just Past

Aug 4, Windy can’t hold boat still Tim 1 – small Walleye 1 Pike Terri 1 – small Pike; Long Road Trip 21 hours; Bedtime

Aug 5, Windy overcast Tim 1 – Walleye couple Pike; Terri 24” Pike off dock; catching small perch @dock & in first cove; Terri 1 – 16” Walleye from dock; Terri Walleye from dock 18” Still Windy.

Aug 6, Best day fishing rat-L- Trap Walleye & Pike Best Pike 31”; Best Walleye 20” 3’ waves in main lake.

Aug 8, southerners figured out best approach run out of bait still have fish to cook & limit to go home hope to come back in future.

Terre Haute, IN


Tim, Jackie, Scott, Terri. Cold Front Just Past

Aug 4, Windy can’t hold boat still Tim 1 – small Walleye 1 Pike Terri 1 – small Pike; Long Road Trip 21 hours; Bedtime

Aug 5, Windy overcast Tim 1 – Walleye couple Pike; Terri 24” Pike off dock; catching small perch @dock & in first cove; Terri 1 – 16” Walleye from dock; Terri Walleye from dock 18” Still Windy.

Aug 6, Best day fishing rat-L- Trap Walleye & Pike Best Pike 31”; Best Walleye 20” 3’ waves in main lake.

Dale, Dennis, Rachel, Angie, Mallory and Dan (aka Dipstick)


Worked at it – but about 75 walleyes over 2 days- Biggest 21” 36 ½” Northern by Rachel – off the dock – assisted by Angie Great first time for the girls!!



July 6, Fished 2:30 to 7:30 – 38 Walleye, 12 Pike orange jig with chart. Body & leech 5’ to 6’ of water.

July 7, 1st full day fishing – 143 Walleye 12 Pike – depth 9’ to 16’. Best 10’ to 12’ chart jig with orange grub & leech. Windy sides of under water humps walleye sizes 26”, 23 ¼”, 21”, 21” Small rain shower at noon.

July 8, Windy – some rain – 118 Walleye 11 northern Pike, 8 walleye 20” or bigger. Biggest 21 ½” Fished hard all day on windy rock banks Best Depth 9’ to 10’. Chart jig with ruby colored grubs && leeches. Ran out of grubs & changed to Ruby jig & chart grub and worked as well. Also caught several on Berkley 3” powergrub (gulp) in neon orange no leech.

July 9, Fished 9am to 5pm – 71 Walleye – 13 northern no rain but very windy. Fished main lake hump in high winds. Had 3’ waves. Best color orange anything on jigs. Jig combos that worked – orange/pink orange/chart- orange/chart& yellow. Orange color was more like a sherbet. Biggest walleyes so far today 25,24,24,21,20 ½ Caught fish 12’ to 24’ Best depth 20’ to 18’ Going back out at 7:30 to try evening bite.

Back from evening fishing on under water hump by Ruddy cove. Same colors as today. 41 walleye 0 northern fished to 10:15pm. Caught fish from 7’to 14’ with 9’ to 10’ Best. 1-23” walleye total for day 112 walleye 13 northern windy to start but layed down as evening went on.

July10, Fish west end of main lake. 2/3 down. Same color on lures. Oranges seems to be main color. Sherbet or burnt orange very little wind to start with and went to 20 mph with 30 mph gusts. Got run off at 3pm by lighting. Went back out at about 7pm & got run off again. 86 walleye 3 northern 4 walleye 20& or better. Biggest 23” 8’ to 20’ deep with best depth 16’. So far 30 walleye over 20”.

Last two days got to feed the eagle. If you see an eagle in a tree watching you, kill a small walleye and throw out into water. Get camera ready because h will come with in 20’ of boat and pick right out of water. (Awesome)

July 11, More wind (white caps) fished humps main lake & hidden lake. Jigs & leeches still need orange on jig or grub. 104 walleye 7 northern (5 walleye over 20”).

Fed the eagle again today. Summation: 5 ½ days fishing Total walleye 601 – 20 or better 35 Total Northern 59 Biggest walleye 26” Biggest N- 28 ½” Good luck and good fishing


Bill, Kevin, Charlie


8 guys 4 days, 5 nites Temps in High 60’s One afternoon/evening of Rain 1,421 Fish 1,252 Walleyes 169 Northern 14 Walleye 24” or above (2@27”) 6 Northern over 30” (Longest 37”)

Used Jigs w/Minnows or leaches First day fish in 8-10’ of water- By last day fish in 18’-20’ of water exception is the narrows and river to cromarte

Sycamore, Oswego, Elburn- IL Madison, WI Grand Rapids, MI

Terre Haute, IN