Toughest part was catching slot size keepers; walleye and trout bigger than slot sizes – but what fun! Caught 500 fish in 4 days...

- The Eiferts | Minnesota

Seagrave Lake


Seagrave Lake is known as KaBeeLo's TRIPLE HITTER lake, since it's the ONLY KaBeeLo outpost lake rich with all 3 species: Walleye, Northern Pike & Lake Trout.  

Described as a "bowl of spaghetti", Seagrave is located approximately 31 miles NE of KaBeeLo's main base.  The cabin accommodates 8 people within 3 large rooms.  Ammenities include: running hot/cold water, indoor shower, 12V & USB plugins, solar lights, solar refridgerator, wood burning stove and propane cook top. 

New cabin location and complete remodel in 2018!

18 min. plane ride form KaBeeLo's main base


Bed Capacity: 6 – 8 people
Bedrooms: 3 bedrooms
Sqft: 1,000
Year Built: 2011
Last Remodel: 2018 full remodel
Other: ONLY outfitter on the lake


Distance from main base: 31 miles North East
Dimensions: 1 × 9 miles
Surface area of Main Lake: 3,200 acres
Surface area of Back Lake: 79 acres
Shape: Bowl of spaghetti
Average Depth: 15 – 25 feet
Deepest Point: 200+ feet
Structure: Very deep, full of islands, bays, coves, inlets and reefs.
Species: Walleye, Northern Pike, Lake Trout

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Guest Comments

2022 Season


Perlichek’s  (Moorhead, MN)(Burlington, ND)


8/28/22 – 9/2/22

Day 1 Sunday

Arrived 7:30am started fishing 8:30 so excited to be here with my two sons – They bought me this trip for my 60th B-day along with my wife.  WooHoo!

The fishing was phenomenal - went after walleye right away – caught 55 fish (5 were pike).  Kept 5 wally’s for super.  White was the magic color – white jig head and white twister tail.  Beautiful night by the fire – lots of stars! 

Day 2 mon

Yeah!! We don’t have to work today!! It rained in the night so little damp outside – waited for wind to go down so had a great breakfast – The awesome waitress at the lodge sent fresh blueberries for us so blueberry pancakes, bacon, eggs & potatoes it was.  We headed south today to investigate that end of the lake.  So beautiful up here!  Blows my mind how all this was created?! Goal today – catch the walleyes to take home.  Caught them on the north south shore of the island across from the dock.  (We call it eagle island).  Also kept a couple pike to take home and 3 walleyes to deep fry for supper.  Our appetizer tonight was walleye wings & cheeks!  The rig of choice today was smile blade w/a floater – the fish didn’t care about the color – haha

Supper was Surf n Turf – The steak was excellent along with the potatoes, onions & cheese on the grill.  Excellent food the lodge provided!! They didn’t “skimp” on anything they had control of it! Even the meals at the lodge before we flew out were “above & beyond” expected!

Enjoyed watching the eagles and the solo seagull after we cleaned the fish – they seem to know the routine around here and eagerly await for the fish remains.

The wind and rain came tonight so no fire outside… we lit the wood stove inside, not necessarily for heat, but for the aroma and to hear the crackling of the wood surrendering to the heat.  Hot topic tonight – pursuing Lake Trout Tommorrow and more blueberry pancakes in the morning…YUM!  Sweet dreams.  Hard to believe we have 3 more full days of fishing!!

Day 3 Tuesday

The wind blew all nite and is still blowing – decided to fish anyway and find a place out of the wind.  We rigged up with jigs to try catch some lake trout.  The wind was so bad – hard to fell bottom so rigged up for walleye.  Even trying to catch them were tough – Casey caught a 24 ½” Laker when the wind blew us into 30’ water! LOL!  It was a great surprise to see it surface!  He smoked a cigar in celebration.  Fished until 7pm-the wind really beat us up.  – Still have “sea legs”

Day 4 Wednesday

Happy Hum Day!  Great another day off work!  WooHoo! Yesterday we had the thermals & beanies on – today was the same.  We ventured back to the old cabin site -then to the outflow.  It’s truly amazing the varying depths of this lake.  We tried again to catch some lake trout gave up after an hour and went for some walleye.  So much fun!  We finally saw a bird other than the eagles & seagull.

Day 5 Thursday

Out last day in paradise and oh what a beautiful morning – no WIND!  The sunrises & sunsets are gorgeous!  Not to mention the endless sky at night and the millions of stars – I probably wouldn’t know that if I didn’t have to get up and pee at 1:30AM.  This place is amazing! – the fishery is amazing!  The beds are amazing! The food is amazing!  The owners and staff are very generous & amazing! Kudos to the Lohn family and their hard work in creating this dream place!  Lots of hard work & sweat was put into preserving this fishery - Not to mention the money!  God bless you richly and abundantly! 

Chris & Casey went after more walleyes today – 5 days just isn’t enough time to check out all the fishing holes.  I was determined to catch a lake trout so I took another boat and fished all the trout areas – I targeted 40-65 feet of water and fished all day – No lake trout for me but I caught a pike in 50’ of water.  The eagles & seagull were disappointed in us the last couple days – The eagle ever screeched at us last night as we sat around the fire.  The lodge has given us so much quality food to eat!  Let’s see… do we eat or fish… hmmmmmm?  Love this place and love these people -my sons each have two sons so I’m sure they’ll be back to make some more memories.  I’d like to come back to take care of some unfinished business --- catch a lake Trout! 

This has been an awesome 60th B-day gift!  Priceless

Tight Lines  Chris, Casey Robbie, Perlichek

Friday morning 6:30

Bittersweet.  Still kinda have sea legs. Hauling stuff to the dock.  The eagles are perched for our send off.

Keith & Karen



First day was chilly and overcast.  Karen got skunked, Keith caught a perfect lake trout and a couple of walleye Lake trout made for a delicious dinner.

Second day was warm and sunny.  Both of us caught a lot of walleye and Northerns in narrows.  Karen had success with spinners & minnows, Keith was using various crank baits.  Largest walleye was 20”!  Also caught some walleye from the dock after dinner.  Gorgeous evening – couldn’t believe we saw so many stars!

Thrid day started out warm and sunny again.  Caught a lot more walleye and northerns.  Was too windy after lunch to go back out – waited an hour for the wind to die down.  Started raining – went back out and caught some more walleye in between raindrops.  All were too big to keep!  What a wonderful vaction!  The cabin is beautiful inside and out.  Thanks for all the memoreies!

Keith & Karen

Skajewski & Dewoldfe party.


8/18/22 – 8/22/22

Had a wonderful time, can’t wait to come back  again!

Caught a lot of fish

Memories that will last forever!!

Thanks KABEELO!!

Jim & Sue

Rob & Merline

2022 Buffie Family






I THINK SO TOO !     (13 YR OLD) (10 YR OLD)


Tom – Madison, Nick – Tippler


7-25 to 7-30

RAINED a lot, but didn’t interfere with the fishing, too much.  No problems catching Northerns, But walleyes were another story.  HAD to really try hard to find them.  But find them we did.  Released a number of large walleyes (over 20”) ATE walleye every day – breakfast, lunch and dinner.  DID NOT find “springpole” lake.  We’re not sure where to look for it.  We found enough walleyes around structures all over the place.  Cabin is 1st class.   Nice outpost experience see you guys next year – Winston- Green Bay

Brengman/Dickson party 4



Arrived in morning and on water by 9am. Started out warm-glad we wore our raingear on the morn.  Hit the west bank of main island and far west side first hail, rain wind steered us back for lunch.  Lots of walleye jigin off bottom in the 18-22” size @ 12-15’ deep. 

Tried the grocery store and got 2 for 1’s at the fish market!! ��

The afternoon, even tho we already had enough for dinner – lots of catch and release – what a great first day.  Dinner: lemon pepper walleye packs for good


Decided to get adventuresome & head nw to Cromarty and islands inlet to springpole.  1 spot we got out to pull boats across rapids – just enough water

Good job!  Well worth the trip cause we slaughter the walleyes.  Weather was perfect w/ a light breeze and mirror glass water – gorgeous.  Saw a storm round in by 2pm  and hightailed it back to the cabin.  Evening bit decided to go after lakers on the north band-ya baby!!

Dinner walleye tacos complete stuffed peppers, cilantro, limes & hot sauce

7/24/22 dickson/ Brengman group (cont.)

Trying to knock out northern limit, we headed out at 9am to southeast portion of the lake – lots of rain & tuffed it out til about noon.  Walleye chowder for lunch.  Headed to the northeast for more late afternoon & evening pike.  Afternoon and evening turned beautiful again.  37” northern was the biggest of the trip.  Dinner: surf & turf, steaks & walleye over the grill.

Should have booked an exra day!  Was the groups sentiment.

Thanks Erik & Allysson!

Fell family Party of 6


Arrivied around 4 – down pour – Got everything put away, stopped raining we got on the lake around 5:30.  Pike & Walleye.  We fried the walleye up enough for 2 days.  Great day!

Crown Royal made it that much better

7-12-22 slow day – few caught

7-13-22 Had wind few walleye 2 small lake trout.  Found 2 guys camped over S/E side of lake with boat like ours. 

7-14 Had, calm, wind, picked up PM- great time trouble getting into size walleye to take home and many over 20”

7-15 AM calm, warm, descent fishing despite weather

7-16 Very calm, hot & sunny had around 20 nice walleye and a few pike.  Helped other campers get there gear over to the dock loaded plane. 


Oman Party


6/18/22 Oman Party

People here John, Paul, Andy Oman, Glen Museus, Jim Drake, Phil Sprafika, Jerry Panning, Jerry Panning SR.

Arrival from Herreid S.D., St. Croix Falls WI, New Richmond WI, Aikin MN, Rochester MN, North Hudson WI.

70f overcast

Got here Saturday afternoon around 5.  3 of the 4 boats went out, brought 10 walleyes in.


Full day of fishing. John boy, Geln had the best day of walleye fishing they have ever had together today.  They figured out they had been fishing together for 42 years.  Cool & breezy in the morning, 90 in the afternoon.

6/20/22 Hot.

Correction from last past.  Got pasted the rapids to springlepole.  Went they today best fishing trip up here.  Fishing a strong 40-yard current that opens up to a larger part of water.  Constant doubles.  90% of fish caught were 18-24”.  John boy caught a 27”.  Got to see a cloud of minnows being attacked walleyes.  Just crazy.  John boys boat motor broke on way back, paddled for 1 ½ before we met back of them and pulled them back to camp.  80+ in the cabin at bedtime.


Good fishing today.  Headed to opposite side of lake.  Got rained on.  Cooled down a bunch.  Headed back to springpole tommorow.


Beautiful last day on the lake.  All 8 of us headed to Springpole. Constant fish on.  Look for a narrow channel on the right going into a bigger part of lake.  Past 2 islands on the right.  Paul & Andy landed over 140 walleyes in 4hrs.  Paul got a 38” northern.  Best fishing on Kabelo that any of us have had.  For me (Andy) close to my 15th time here, since I was 12 (now 39) and have never seen walleye stacked like that.  I snagged a piece of fishing line, pulled it in it had a 15” walleye on the end of it.

Looking forward to next year.


Walleyes biting like mosquitos at the falls nothing under 20”.


Hendrickson - Party of 3


Main water temperatures were around 40f on arrival rose to about 45f through week North & West temps got to 50-55f.  Had a couple of days in upper fifties but the last 5 days were very windy & around 50f water is high & you can go down the river to west.  Caught walleyes everywhere.  Lakers were on surface but not a lot of them... One laker 27” most around 22-24” Walleyes were mostly eaters 17-20” nothing big Weather was challenge but had a great time.


2021 Season


Eifert Crew


The Eifert party arrived two men short of our normal six, but in great spirits that we’re here at all.  It’s great to see everyone and great to be back for our 8th trip to Seagrave!  In attendance this year are Josh E., Mark E, Bill and fishing savage Mike D. We arrived to a lake sparkling after the forecasted storms past in the morning rather than the afternoon and enjoyed relativity comfortable weather.   With a few hours of fishing on “day zero” we were unsuccessful in catching lake trout near the cabin, but found plenty of walleye in the narrows on Jigs & minnows.  Fish fry was Awesome! 

Day 1 August 29

A legendary day of fishing.  We started the day in the big bay for lake trout with a light WNW wind providing a perfect drift. Mike set the tone for the day by boating a 34” laker.  It took a little time to find that the best bit was on the bottom at 65’ , but it was on after that.  For the day.  A dozen lake trout were netted with as many lost in the fight- sizes generally 24-28”  It would have been more , but Mark and Josh boat drifted a little to far and they happened to start laying into walleyes.  Not to pass up catching walleyes on after another we decided to stay and caught around 40 in a little over an hour including the new trip record of 28 1/2” by Mark.  That was before lunch.

More of the same after lunch, but no more trophies.  After spotty rain, it cleared up to a nice evening.  And grilled lake trout for dinner.  Mike and Bill already ripped through a bottle of Tito’s. so Josh has to make a dent in his Jameson before they start cackling like hyenas.  Best day! Ever!

Day 2 August 30

With all the success on day 1 with walleye and lake trout, we decided to head to the NE part of the lake for Northern.  We Caught plenty, but mostly in the “Hammer Handle” size Bill had the only remarkable fish.  A 30” Northern aside from that, the highlight of the morning was watching a cow moose take a stroll in the shallow bay.

After lunch we headed back to the south bay of the lake for lake trout.  We found them again and they were nice sized.  Josh caught the biggest of the day at 30”  but most ranged 25”  We finished the day as always catching walleyes without the jig touching bottom.  None of remarkable size, but scores of 18” inchers.  We beer battered five for another great dinner.

Playing cards were forgotten, so chief entertainer, Mike kept the crowd riveted with tales of mis-spent youth and tall tales of the fish he claims to have caught.

Day 3 August 31

It was another beautiful day – sunny and warm with no wind to cool us off or drift our boats.  The fish didn’t notice though, and continued to bite as long as we could move the boats over them.

Take home limits were the message of the day and after trying a couple of hot spots from prior years, we headed down to the south end of the lake.  Mike and Bill made quick work of the walleye – it seems like 90% of the walleye we’re catching this year are a perfect 18”.  At the same time, Mark and Josh spent the early part of the day working on the last two lakers- two of the six caught were striker – worthy and we now are just catching for fun.

We spent the afternoon catching lake trout, which were many.  Josh led the day again with a 29” closely followed by a 28 ½” and a 27”  Bill had a 27”  and everyone had plenty between 24 – 27”.  We closed the day on walleye with the biggest at about 22”.

Bill and Mike finished there second bottle of Titos around the campfire while Josh hit what is left of his Jameson in the woods.

Day 4 September 1

The calendar says September, but the weather was still August.  Another perfect day – we did way better that the forecast and have been wearing the only pair of stinky shorts we brought for the past three days!

With no pressure to catch keepers, it was a leisurely day of fishing.  Mike and Bill ventured to the old outpost for northerns and a trip down memory lane.  The highlight was that a 22” northern caught a 68” man and Bill had to ruin his favorite lure to dislodge it from his arm. Ouch.

Meanwhile Josh and Mark were determined to beat Mike’s big lake trout and set out for the south end.  They were rewarded with the most aggressive bite. Yet.  After Bill and Mike joined in the action around 20 were caught with good size – many over 27” with Josh topping out at 29 1/2”.

The day finished with some lighter lake trout and walleye action in the usual spots.  For the trip, lake trout numbered in the 60-75 range with great size, walleye were in 300+ mostly around 18” but several in the 20-24” range and close to 100 northerns of little size, about half were incidental.  Winners by species were Mike with a 34” lake trout, Mark with a 28 ½” Walleye, Bill with a 30” Northern and Josh with a 6” Rock bass – the first were ever caught on the lake.

The Jameson was retired from the woods and about a half bottle remains as I write, but that still may change with some celebration in line. In the end, we missed out other “Regular” Zack and our normal “other guy” rotation, but probably the best fishing yet- sorry Zack, looking forward to next year!


Arrived about 2:00pm

Weather – HOT & Humid, overcast, breezy.

Hospitality at main base was top notch and Erik’s flying was flawless. ��

Now to catch dinner….

Headed out about 4:00pm Started out by trolling around the island straight across from the dock.  Right away, the younger of this father/daughter duo was reelin em in.  She had a northern & 2 walleye before dad wised up & switched lures.  Multiple double hook ups!  Very exciting.  Called it a day around 7:00.  Rapalla & a reef runner for the fish today!  

August 20 2012: Headed out 8:00am. This time the elder of the party was the winner, reeling in several walleye and a couple northers.  Not even two hours in, we got tired of constantly reeling fish in, so we retired for a nap.  Hot spot still seems to be along the shore of the island right across for here.  Lost our lucky green reef runner ☹

Afternoon catching session we caught so many we lost count, including a monster northern.  Dad continued to be the rockstar.  Daughter lost our lucky rapala from yesterday in a snag. Darn it.

Weather – AM – Hot Humid & Sunny PM – Overcast, a little bit cooler but still hot.

Aug.  21 2021: Rained all night.  Windy, cold, yucky all day.  The fish of Seagrave got a break today…

Watch for the pair of bald eagles that sometimes hangs out on the island right across from the cabin

2019 Season

Eifert Crew 6 - people


Walleye-20"-Mike, Laker-27" Mark, Northern - 26"- Mike

8-27 + 8-28 - Weather was bad rain - wind - fishing was tough - caught a few enough to eat and some take home -

8-29 - was OK caught lot of Lake Trout and Walleye - Ate a lot of fish -

8-30 - Weather was better caught lot of Walleye and Lake Trout  Largest Lake Trout was 37 inches - a real hog - caught our take home limit of Walleye & Lake Trout

Shot at Bear & missed -

8-31 - Weather was very nice did alot of catch & release Walleye - Lake Trout caught 7 northerns T OR bout 24" to take home number of Lake trout 26 inch to 29 inches - good day ate a lot of fish -

Shot at Bear in camp 4 times but missed

Josh the shooter said the gun was off - Good size Black Bear very Brazzen -

Carlson - Grazzini - Bosch


Beautiful weather with a lot of sunny blue skies & temps in the 70's.  Only some spotty rainfall each day.  Good fishing each day.  Caught a lot of walleye, with our largest at 23".  Most of the Northern were in the range of 18 - 25". One lake trout.  We found a lot of fishing spots but only would get 1-2 fish each time we would stop at them.  Never found a fishing hole where there were a lot of fish caught all at once.

Great trip & looking forward to coming back next year.


The Hein's


Arrived here on Sunday afternoon around five o'clock. Beautiful setting, awesome cabin and an almost perfect week - weatherwise.

Jordon 87     Jeremy 78- 28" walleye

                                     largest caught

Ron 125       Bonnie 69

Josh 132       Hallie 160

Had trouble finding fish small enough to eat & take home.  Too big!

Saw a caribou on the big island left of the cabin & swimming in the lake.

We had a mouse in the boat when we started out!! Came back & switched!

Wonderful place to fish, relax,& spend time with family.







 651  Total

Knutson Johnson Ogorek


Who knew fishing could be this fun? When the group pulled up in the Beaver we were greeted by the previous group making claims of 1,600 fish! You already know what we had to do, we had to jump into those boats, and go to the coasts that were hosting the most. We did not have an overabundance the first night. Our in-slot numbers reaching approx. 6. This ended up being the perfect amount to not leave anyone hungry, but have everyone starving to cast more line.

The following days consisted of failure, success, ups, downs, lefts, rights, all centered around fishing. Several hot spots were located that seemed to have starting and ending times as clear as t.v. shows on a channel. Fish seemed to know what order they were supposed to bite in (always something along the lines of: walleye, walleye, walleye, pike. Or at least something like that.) The underwater multi-fin swimmers most definitely preferred the live bait, but one could always have at least varying degrees of success putting on a spoon. On the first night one member of our group managed to hook an old lure with his lure! Easily the rarest catch of the trip.

On the second day on member caught a 28" walleye right off the dock, thus instantly winning the running contest.

To conclude,  First day: ~  7-8 fish total

                                                1 lure

                          2nd day:     28 in walleye

                                          ~ 20 fish total

                           3rd day   ~ 35 fish total


                           Total       ~ 1,603 walleye

                                                                                          (just kidding)




June 30th - July 5th

Our group celebrated our 20th year coming up to KaBeeLo Lodge this year and it was a great trip. The weather was warm for the first few days and then a bit of rain and then it cooled down.

The fishing was amazing. We caught 1,602 fish this year between the six of us. 95% walleye and about 5% northerns. Our largest walleye was 26.5 inches and we caught so many in the 20's that we can't count them. The largest northern was 38 inches but we didnt fish for them.

The cabin and camp are amazing. Great new central location on the lake. The USB plug ins were a nice add on for our electronics. We saw many eagles and a few beavers but no bears or other large animals.

We caught walleyes at anywhere between 5 feet and 20 feet depending on the weather. Rock piles, islands and shorelines. At night try the far north western part of the lake. We caught a crazy amount of fish there between 8:00pm and 9:30pm.

See you next year.

McCance/ Cortelyou


6/23 - 29/19

Very warm trip shorts and short sleeves most of the time, no rain hardly at all.  The new cabin is great.  Trout was slow.  Pike were in the shallows. Had our best day on Saturday ~ 127 Walleye in 3 hours between the 3 of us, caught...

Gotta go, plane is here!


6 - 23  Sunday.  Got in about 4:00 & got organized. Only me as rest are coming Wednesday.  Thank you for letting me go by myself. Was getting late so fished off point.  Caught one northern.

Monday - Out at 8:30 & caught 20 walleye 17"-23"- 1 northern 25" all by 11-30. Started raining all afternoon. Cooked northern fish chowder.

Wormuth Couple (3rd year)


1st Day - A bit slow for the wife but husband landed pike 24' and a walleye 20' and a few smaller ones. Wife caught a nice walleye that wiggled his way loose right at the boat. Was able to enjoy fish on the grill with lemon juice & the rest of the hot meal thanks to Lohn's family blessing Potatoes & onion, green beans onions & bacon, peaches 😊 Sully our gully friend also got to enjoy his supper across the lake. Good book & a fire to end the evening. Rain in the eve'n

No sign of our Eagle friend from the years past.

2nd    Start th day with pancakes, eggs & left over potatoes. Sprinkling some, clouds can't decide what it wants to do but we don't want to wait.

Raining off & on thru out the day. Fishinga bit slow but enough to feed us & Sully - Kept the last two walleye for supper, otherwise catch & release the entire day. 12 hours fishing. Pikes have been small from what we are used to catching here. Biggest Walleye today 24'

3rd day - Another CAtch & release day. Windy & off & on sprikles. Still had a blast of 12 hrs of fishing. Taking a 22 inch trout home for supper. Got to say that is now my favorite fish to eat. Was a bit curious if it was going to be a strong fish like rainbow but not at all. Wrapped in foil & cooked on the grill. Meat fell off the bone - no waste of meat. Very delicious.

4th day - Beautiful day it ended up with blue skies & warmer. Got to finally get a glimpse of Stanly our Eagle friend. Another day of a variety of fish. Catch & release. Noticed that the pike are smaller this year than years past thus far. Walleye have been nice sizes 19 & over with one yesterday being 24'-25'. Guess there was one pike that was about 27'-28'- The nice fish was a trout that was 24' which was nice to catch. Disappointed Sully as we brought home no fish for him to eat. Had trout left over from night before so we made a fried rice with the left over fish & asparagus. Great night ending the day.

5th day - Mostly Walleye and a few pike. Good fishing day & the sun shining. Water very still looking like a mirror. Brought back two walleye for a fish & chips supper. One of the better fishing days so far on this trip.

6th day- Final day of catch & release. Still haven't explored the entire lake and this is our 3rd year. Brought hime 1 walleye for supper.

        Pounds of leeches in fridge for the next. Good luck and enjoy your trip. We sure did. 😊














*Be Warned!*...You WILL hit the shower knob and you WILL either burn up or FREEZE!  You've been warned.....


WX:  60's and mostly sunny one day with wind, otherwise quite calm west & Northwest - 1 Day of East

Walleyes:  Found them scattered as we searched for lake trout.  Also schooled up on NW & NE ends of the lake in 5 feet of water Little top spinners were deadly, along with long shank jigs tipped with Keitech 24' biggest

Lake Trout: Nice to find them in most areas of the lake. Scattered in 5-15 feet of water. Gold tipped with white seemed to work best! Troll, Troll, Troll    29' biggest

- Firewood back by the outhouse is much drier and burns better

- Water temps 50's on main lake and 60 degrees in back bays

- Leftover bourbon makes great base for steaks!

- Woodchuck & Grouse in camp

- Laminated Lake Maps Work Like A Charm!

12 volt battery adaptors to plug in batteries & charge

Thunder Bay "Heartburn Hot Sauce" for spice

Pike juice towels mandatory!

30 Dozen Minnows Plenty For Guys Who Use Plastics!

More Wood Chipper Less Lonely Blonde

2 Dozen Spinner Baits NOT needed on Seagrave.

Cajun Shore Lunch For Lake Troout! Oh Yea!


5/25      Hendrickson Party

   Came in after ice out.  Water temps 40o raising to 48o, 58o in back bays. Fishing a little slow but found plenty of walleyes to eat & Lake trout were found at surface

Great trip, cool weather, and not to many bugs. We'll be back

2018 Season


Moose Hunters


Weather was sunny snowy, rainy – we had it all…

Saw moose tracks & moose waste but no moose -----

The new cabin in wonderful!!!!!

Thank you to Erik, Harald & special thanks to Ann for taking extra good care of us!!!  XOXO

Jennifer Zabavski, Bob Zabavski and Tom Murting

PS cleaned cupboards, stove, cabin – etc.…


Eifert Group


Special Guest Stars – Mike Dubois, Bill Eckstien and Steve Erkstien

8-28: 1st ½ day – weather rained in the morning coming to camp – cleared up turned out nice – caught – a lot of walleye – biggest 23 ½ inches caught by Zach – 25 ½ inch northern caught by Mike – a lot of smaller ones caught. 25 inch lake trout caught by Bill.

8-29: Weather was cold & rainy – boat load of walleye caught largest 22 ½ inch caught by Josh, 33 inches northern caught by Steve probably caught 20- Lake trout 80 feet deep. 28 inch largest caught by Mark.

8-30: Really nailed all species – walleye, northern & lake trout. 22 inch walleye largest caught by Mike, 29 inch northern caught by Josh and 29 inch lake trout caught by Mike

8-31: Rainy morning – nice afternoon after storm passed fishing was great – lots of walleye 23 inches largest caught by Mark, northern 100’s of little ones.. Biggest northern 28inches Steve caught. Premier lake trout fishing – Josh complained all day  about losing his touch couldn’t get them in the boast but redeemed after Mark gave him his lure landed a 34 inch Lake trout with a 18 inch girth.

9-1-18 Saturday, Beautiful weather – fishing was excellent many walleyes caught on the point by the rock – largest 24 inch caught by Mike. Number of northern caught many in 80 feet of water trying for lake trout. Largest 28 ½ inches caught by Mike – lots of lake trout caught. Largest was 27 inch caught by Mark going home very tired with limits of walleye – northern & lake trout so another great year.  Thank you   Great outpost very nice.

Smith Family


Our first trip to KaBeeLo Seagrave Outpost Camp. Cabin is very nice!  No bear sightings for us 😉  Day one of fishing was very good. Partly cloudy and warm.  Lots of smoke haze. Fish scattered 8 – 28’depth. Most walleyes caught close to cabin.

Day two – clear skies, no wind. Didn’t do as well as day one. Storm came in overnight and lingered into morning. Most fish caught on bottom bouncers and spinners, with crawlers.

Day three – cold front came through. Very chilly day! Mostly cloudy. Fishing was good today! Good luck to all, and thank you for a wonderful trip!

Family of 5


Came out as a family of 5 and are leaving as a family of 5. We enjoyed our time just hanging out.

Split wood under cabin for woodstove only as the season gets colder.

Jacobs Party


First trip to KaBeeLo Seagrave Outpost. Cabin and boat were top notch.  Fishing was best with west wind. Caught walleye in 15 – 30’. Lake trout can be found in 30 – 50’ near the very deep water.  Pike are everywhere in between.  The camp bear visits almost daily and is very predictable and so far harmless. He waits until fisherman leave and then does a thorough search through camp. As long as you keep all the garbage, food and fish inside the cabin the bear shouldn’t bother much. After his cabin site inspection you’ll see him swim across to fish Gut Island to eat what the seagulls and eagles left behind.  Jigging for walleye off points and wind-blown shores worked will.  Trailing deep diving plugs was best for trout. Good luck to all, we’ll definitely be back!

Balahtsis Group


Night of 10th, 7 caught. 1 hour of fishing.  3 northern – biggest 24”, 4 walleye – biggest 20 ½” caught south of new cabin along small islands (3).

Day of 11th, 130 fish caught.  Largest walleye – 24” southern Islands. Largest Pike – 42” far northeast Lake. Weather 92 degrees sunny, west winds.

Day of 12th, saw our first beaver squatch. South islands! Beware!!  Far northwest lake, as far as you can go, 30” northern. Many walleye (past Burnham Bay). South main Lake Shoreline, 34” northern. Largest northern – 34”. Largest walleye – 24”.

Day of 13th, friendly bear. Can feed from hand. Grill knocked over from bear. Weather moving in. Lots of walleye caught. Largest northern – 33” and Largest walleye – 22”

Day of 14th, Cold front with heavy rains came overnight. Largest pike – 30” and largest walleye 25”.

All in all we caught hundreds of fish. Beautiful weather. Had the bear come visit twice. He’s friendly and only curious of fish so be sure to clean up. Rapala Husky jerks (5” divers) and five twister patterns worked the best. This group has 30+ years of coming here and will continue to visit KaBeeLo.

Thank you Erik, Allysson, Harald & Ann!!!

Balahtsis Group


Not enough time to fish on Monday but thankfully enough time for some drinks & eating.  Fishing this week has proven to provide larger fish than the other lakes but not as many.  Largest fish was a fat 29.5” Walleye in the SW corner of the lake.  Most fish (walleye) were 19” – 20”. A few decent northern were caught as well but no lake trout to be found.  The biggest thrill of the week was a very large black bear that frequented camp – cubs were heard in the distance making it even more interesting.  She particularly enjoyed the grill & the fish cleaning table.  Some great pictures were taken from a safe distance.  Although the sunshine all week slowed the bite it didn’t slow down the good times and appreciation for the opportunity to enjoy this place, the lake, and friendship.

Don – Jason – Jerry – Brooks – Ray – Mike

Frozen Fish Open II


In a crushing blow Josh K. was shamelessly beaten after making too many Iowa type mistakes. It may take years, perhaps several lifetimes until the family can regain the title now in the hands of a non-family member whose name we can’t recall. Along with whoever won in last year’s contested event.

All around fishing was typically stellar something we would expect from a Lohn holding. Can’t wait to stay at the full service all-inclusive condos Erik & Allysson are building on the old site down there on the lake. On the services front it may have been hard for Josh K. to loose & shame the family he is looking forward to the new vegan menu offering at the condos.

A side note to the clerk that sold John the frozen onesie. Thanks a lot now we have to get out eyes removed when we get back to the states. Another sad note. Thank you Don Trump for making Canada great again.


Deglman Party | 8 people


Nice Cabin!!!  Thank you

7-28 Arrived for evening fishing about 64 walleye – great weather

7-29 Great weather about 315 walleye – 3/8 oz. jigs, gulp, night crawlers, and on blades with slip sinkers

7-30 kinda warm today west wind 1- lake trout. Rain came thru midafternoon got very windy. Wind died down and fishing was still good, about 240 walleyes for all of us.

7-31 Morning; cloudy cool light rain. Fishing was still good. 4 lake trout and a few northern some as deep as the lake trout 30 feet. Hard rain about noon. Wind switched out of the North temp dropped about 10 degrees in minutes. About 75 walleye.

Evening; Cold windy rainy. About 110 walleye live bait did better than gulp this evening. 804 walleye total.

Wilton Party | Father & Son x 2


First, we want to thank the KaBeeLo crew for the beautiful cabin. Being the first to experience it was a real treat. Wow, best cabin ever!!!

Fishing was stellar as usual on Seagrave. Although they were not snapping we managed to meet our quota of fish, we just had to work a little harder. Of course the Walleye were strong and girths. Biggest fish was a 28” Walleye with the biggest girth ever. More Walleye of 20” to keep track of. Fish were scattered from 8-25 ft. of water.

Total for the trip we counted 812 Walleye’s in our five days. One spot we boated 350 plus walleyes by the island with a big rock.

Have fun, Good Luck Voce’s & Wilton’s


Cortelyou Crew


Sunday 6/23/18: 13 Walleye and 2 Northern

Monday 24th: Morning; 26 Walleye, 2 Northern and 3 Trout, Evening; 37 Walleye

Tuesday 25th: Morning; 27 Walleye, 13 Northern and 2 Trout, Evening; 1 Walleye and 16 Northern

Wednesday 26th: Morning; 23 Walleye and 6 Northern, Afternoon; 12 Walleye and 10 Northern, Evening; 4 Walleye and 6 Northern

Thursday 27th: Morning; 73 Walleye and 2 Northern, Evening; 16 Walleye and 13 Northern

Friday 28th: Morning; 34 Walleye, 4 Northern and 1 Trout, Evening; 2 Walleye and 4 Northern

Spotted a bear swimming from island to island today near new cabin/ 3 main islands

Last Day Saturday: 72 Walleyes, 4 Northern and 5 Trout.

Totals for week: 

8-14 foot of water                               Shallow                                               35-55 Feet.

Walleye 340 – 25.5”                            Northern 80- 30”                      Trout 11 – 27.5”

Big Storm Afternoon with Hail. Started drinking Bourbon and stopped Raining. “Providence”. Walleye in 10’ ft. consistently. Eating steak tonight. Fish coming out of our ears. May need to make Emergency Call for more Rum and Scotch… Poor Planning. Recommendation to Mr. KaBeeLo… Free Shuttle for Rum & Bourbon.  Parachute in. Broke skeg on engine. Hit rock, never seen it there before.


Caught more fish than our first visit last year. 1 trout, tons of walleye & pike. Supper every night of fish except one when we kept putting them back & got too late that we didn’t end up with any to ear. Great fishing – was not disappointed at all! Spinners with leeches worked for us. We will be back next year.

Trout – 15 inch, Walleye – 22 1/2 inch and Pike – 35 inch

Hoffman Family


Arrived Saturday on June 9, 2018: Caught 2 Lake Trout under 18”, 1 Walleye keeper and 1 Pike 2 ½ - 3 lbs.

Sunday June 10, 2018: 1 trout, 12 Walleye (Most too BIG to keep) and 2 Pike 1-7 Lbs.

Monday June 11, 2018: 3 Pike and 4 Walleye (3 keepers and 1 over 18”)

Tuesday June 12, 2018: 4 trout (2 keepers and 1- 24” and 1-23”), 8 Pike; Small 2 ½ - 3 lbs.  75 walleyes; 4 keepers and all the rest over 18”

Wednesday June 13, 2018: Morning; 8 Pike, 50+ Walleye; 2 keepers for lunch, 1-24 ½” trout.  3 hours of evening fishing; 3-28 ½ Pike, 25 Walleyes, No Trout

Sat, Sun, Mon Windy Poor Boat control. Tues rain, cold front followed in afternoon and evening. Wed. clear sky fair fishing it takes forever to get a limit of KaBeeLo Slot keepers. Most fish were too big to keep. Last 2 days were average Canadian fishing. First two days lousy. Trout were caught in 40-55’ in front of the three islands on main lake. Most walleye in 8-12’. ¼ - 3/8 Jigs & scented twister tails fluorescent color. Am leaving gulp alive for whomever.

Hope you have good fishing.

2017 Season

LaFond Crew


Party of 4 (Glenn, Ross, Pat & Jon (18))

Day 1: great fishing on the morning then front came in and shut things down.  46 fish in 3 hrs (2 people)

Day 2: Tough Day!  Rain/storms/hail.  Still caught fish on and off!!

Day 3: calm after the storm!  Slow start but picked up.  Quality of fish was walleyes a plenty in 19”-25” range.  Small northerns.  One 24” lake trout.

Day 4: Beautiful day as we finish out our trip.  My grandson’s first trip and we had an amazing trip.  Lots of memories!!

Thanks Lohn Family!

2016 Season


LaCroix Family | MN


We have not been up to KaBeeLo for 9 years but as always the Fishin’ is AWESOME! ! Caught hundreds of Walleyes – biggest one caught by our daughter was 23”. Biggest Northern was 28”.

The scenery here is so beautiful!

The Lohn’s are awesome people-

Happy Fishing to the next guests!


The Wall Party


                                                          Totals                   Largest

Walleye       4” – 12”                             508                        25” (4)

Trout           30” – 55”                               9                       29”

Northern      3” – 10”                               50                       27”

This was our first year at KaBeeLo Lodge, Seagraves Outpost! The 4 of us had a fantastic time.  Caught tons of fish. 3 old men, and a young buck, so we took naps and am and pm trips. We will definitely be back next year to catch some bigger fish! !  Thanks to the Lohn family for a great opportunity!

Advice to future guest, think coves and coves that the west wind blows into! 

Good Luck

Thanks again, the Wall party


Hendrickson Crew


I was just taking it easy on a rainy Saturday afternoon looking at pictures and realized I hadn't sent this picture of Steve's 29" walleye to you. He caught it and released it on the last day when we were trying to catch a couple 18" to bring home. I hope you can use it.

When people ask me how my fishing trip was, I like to reply "It rained everyday, never saw the sun, the high temperature was in the fifties, and I loved every minute of it!". The weather sounds bad, but wasn't. We were always comfortable. It was much better than calm 80 degree sun with bugs. The best part was when we came back to the dry cabin at the end of the day we had some dry firewood on the porch that Christian had cut and stacked. We would light a fire in the evening to warm up the place and dry our clothes, then let the fire go out while we slept. A couple mornings it was down to 40 degrees in the cabin, but making coffee and breakfast took the chill off, then off for another day of fishing. The wood made our trip much more pleasurable, so please let Christian know how much we appreciated it.

As fast as this summer is going it feels like we'll be seeing you soon. 

Thanks to everyone at Kabeelo for a great trip.

Al & Steve | WI


We had a cold, cloudy week, never saw the sun. The best part about the cold was few bugs, didn’t miss them! The weather was wet & tough but we managed to eat plenty of walleye & the cabin kept us comfy. We caught only 4 trout, but Steve caught a 29” – 9# Walleye. We have never caught one that big up here, she was a fat one. We will be back!

Thanks KaBeeLo Staff

Al & Steve from Wisconsin

2015 Season


Eifert Party


Great flight on Beaver.

Good evening fishing.

A tad bit warm but cooling in PM.

Great time had by all 6-people this year – fishing was good again probably 100 fish per day – figured 400+ fish.  Of course walleyes galore 25-1/4” largest walleye, 29” northern, 29.5” biggest trout.  10 lake trout caught over 4 days – all 22”-29.5”.  Had to be 200 caught that averaged 21”, 50 northerns without even trying. 

Had fun – will be back!!!


Knutson Group


Best fishing in narrows marked on map.  Walleyes 8-20 feet, chartreuse floating lindy rigs or floating jig head.  Walleyes 15-23”, Northerns in the same place as walleyes.

Also caught walleyes off dock in evening.

Eagles liked fish guts

We had a good time!!!!

Fairmont MN


Nice cabin and boats.  Motors were dependable and ran great.  Caught a lot of nice size hard fighting walleyes.  Found enough small ones to have several fish fries.  I have read all about your Lodge in outdoor publications for over 30 years.  My biggest regret is I didn't start going on them sooner in my life.  Instead of waiting until my late 60's.  Hope to see you next year.

The Kiefner Fmily


Great trip to KaBeeLo as always.  Our second trip to Seagraves, tenth out at KaBeeLo & we weren’t disappointed.  It was hot several days but we managed to fight it out and catch some fish.  The walleye were anywhere from 8’ to 35’ deep and the pike were wherever the walleye were.  Several trout were caught as well, with the biggest being ~24”.  There is a Bald Eagle that follows us around wherever we go.  The nickname Fred or Fredbird has stuck for him – no clue how or why, haha.  He enjoys the leftovers after fish cleaning if he can get to them,

Overall great trip to KaBeeLo’s Seagraves Lake.  Good times were had and many fish were caught.

Joe (Louisiana) = 66 walleye, 19 northern pike, 1 lake trout

Kent (Missouri) = 59 walleye, 9 northern pike, 2 lake trout

Phillip (Missouri)= 57 walleye, 11 northern pike, 1 lake trout



Skudlarek Trio - IL


Day 1 = 15 fish, Day 2 = 12 fish, Day 3 = 24 fish, Day 4 = 9 fish

Saw a few bald eagles, some hawks, loons, seagulls and a mama duck with 8 baby ducklings.  Trying for lake trout with no luck.

This is our 4th year at KaBeeLo, we do an annual fishing trip.  Myself, dad & grandpa.  Out of all the years so far, this has been the warmest it’s ever been.  The sunsets here are beautiful and fresh fish is the best!

Day 3 (july 15) caught a 35” Pike by the fish cleaning station! CAUGHT A TROUT (23”) !!!  While gutting and cleaning our lunch, one of the curious eagles flew down by the shore about 15ft from us.  It saw us a flew away but as soon as we got in the boat he flew down and ate the guts on the shore – so cool!


Day 4: bad luck fishing this morning, nothing was biting – only 6 fish.   Thunderstorms made us come in, waiting for it to die down so we can hopefully go back out!

2014 Season




2 years in a row and 1 first timer:  Walleye were biting good, we caught around 40 until dark & had enough keepers to eat our fill plus for supper.  Next day fished for trout - found in about 40' of water biggest caught was 25".  Caught 37 fish today, not bad. Days go much too fast!  All over caught about 300 plus fish over the 4 days, so hard to complain about that!

Great time had by all - sad to leave!


Flannigans | group of 6 | Paynesville MN


21 lake trout caught from many locations even 1 from the dock - largest 30".  Too many walleyes to keep track, depths 3'-30'.  A dozen or more walleyes caught right off end of dock with minnow + jig.  Northern Pike all over - most 20"-24".  Very few bugs to deal with - NICE!  Weather low 40's to about 70F.  

Cabin at main base lodge - AWESOME.  Hospitality was excellent all around - from the Host Lohn's, cook, waitress, pilots + crew.  First rate outfit!

Al & Steve | WI


Great Time!  Caugh lots of Walleye & Trout!  Walleyes were 19"-22" average with eating size now & then.  Trout were 3-5 lbs, 10 in 3 hours on the last day.  

We ate lots of food and were very comfortable except for the 80+ degree day at the start.  We love to come to Seagraves, and the staff at KaBeeLo treated us like royalty.  We will be back.

Thanks to all!


Hilsabeck Party of 6 | WI


First trip to Seagraves outpost.  It was the lure of "new water" and large Trout that "lured" us here.  BIG water; lots of options but we frequently found walleyes & lakers near the outflow and the walleyes were consitently over 20"; bigger than we have seen on Okanse, Bertha or Jeanette.  Northerns were present but not remarkable.  Lakers were caught with walleyes in shallow water (5'-7').  We used ciscos on lindy type rigs with good result too.  We explored the southern end of East (outflow) and westerly limits without much success.

Finished trip fishing at the rocks before the outflow.  We are 20-30 year veterans of KaBeeLo and cannot resist the "call of the North"!

Thanks to Harald & Ann & Erik and the flight crews & staff at KaBeeLo!!!!

2013 Season


Minnesota, USA


Three of us flew out to Seagraves, fished long days and caught more fish than expected; nice fish too. Walleyes were crazy – averaged 20-21” with biggest 23”; lake trout were good and averaged 25” with biggest 29”; northerns were plentiful with biggest around 25-30”. We ate fish every meal and brought home our limits. Toughest part was catching slot size keepers; walleye and trout were bigger than slot sizes – but what fun! In four days we caught a total of 500 fish and experienced good weather. The Eiferts.


from Ken, Jes and Brian, Illinois, USA


The three of us (Grandpa, dad, and, me, the daughter/granddaughter Jes) flew into Seagraves Lake for the “how many times have we been on this lake?” We drive up from Chicago, drive to the same place (KaBeeLo Lodge) and fly to this same lake (Seagraves). We love it here! Day one we set up camp and went out fishing for a while, caught some fish and look forward to tomorrow. Day two started slow but we caught fish and cleaned them while our “eagle friend Marvin” looked on. Ate fish that night. Day three we caught fish, cleaned fish and Marvin showed up for his dinner. After lunch and after the rain storm we went out fishing and caught a ton of fish; they were biting like crazy. Cleaned some fish and, again, Marvin showed up – he’s a little ninja eagle – so cool! Last day we went out fishing and caught some nice pike and, would you know it, Marvin was following us. In fact, Marvin brought two of his friends and they all followed us around. Way cool.


North Dakota/Minnesota, USA


The seven (7) of us arrived at KaBeeLo in the early afternoon with some nice weather. It is great to be back on Seagraves after on last visit a year ago. We started fishing around 6 pm with young Drew (7 years old) off to a hot start. He caught many excellent walleyes and a 36” pike – not bad!  The first full day of fishing we caught some decent pike and Ben caught a 26.5” walleye on a 1/8 oz. fuzzy grub and minnow. Our experience is the fish on Seagraves Lake continue to be really excellent quality. The afternoon was slower due to some nap time, swimming time and tanning time. Day 3 we had good wind and cloud cover – fishing was excellent. But finding fish to eat isn’t easily done since the vast majority of the fish are well over 18”. To be sure, this is a good and welcomed challenge. After fishing this lake’s walleyes on two different years, it’s safe to say the quality of fish is outstanding. Size conservation does result in awesome fish and fisheries. On day 4, our last day, the weather changed (windy/rainy) but the fishing remained constant – lots of larger walleyes, good northerns and some lake trout. This experience was great – we can’t wait to get back to Seagraves for the 2014 season. I’m so lucky to have had this time with my son and the rest of my family. Ben, Richard, Jack, Drew, Steven, Allen, Andrew.

from Minnesota, USA


Six (6) of us had great weather and great fishing. Fishing was a “little work” but it was worth it. Six of us averaged 150-200 fish per day. Walleyes were mostly 18-22” with largest at 25”; largest northern at 29.5” and largest lake trout 33”. Last day we say a bear cub and mom swim across the channel south of the channel. Great trip and great weekend. Gary, Grant, Paul, Glenn, Pat, Barry


Minnesota/Florida, USA


First group this year to the storied Seagraves – what an honor! Ice went out 4 days before we arrived but you would never know it by the weather – it was perfect! The fishing was a little spotty, but 10 year old Madison was the best of the bunch – she caught her first lake trout ever from the boat as it was tied up to the dock. She then proceeded to slay the walleyes wherever we went, including a trophy when we portaged over to the secret lake (although her dad got pretty tired rowing). All in all it was a great time. A few more fish would have been nice, but eh memories will last forever. Bob, Nick, Matt, Madison.

Steve & All of Wisconsin, USA


The two of us said “what a great lake and what great weather.” WE came to do some fishing but ended up catching more than we expected. Hundreds of walleyes and a lot of trout. Walleyes were shallow and the trout were everywhere. We will be back!

2012 Season


2 Brothers & life long pal fishing this lake again this season


Fish in lots of places and found lake trout plentiful. Walleyes in shaded areas and bit on just about anything. Spotted lots of wildlife – moose, mink, beavers and 2 eagles. Eagles were probably brothers because the shared many a fish carcass. On a related matter we monitored our daily intake of adult beverages due to rationing of same. Pina coladas, cape cods, kolo and milk, white Russians, Champaign and lots of beers. As I write this is am witnessing the virtual daily collapse of rational thought.


Submitted by J.S. from Chicago


Flew in early, unloaded our gear and looked for the eagle (now named Melvin). HE IS HERE – sitting in a tree by the cabin DECK! Caught a few fish, cleaned a few and had them for several meals. Kept an eye out for Melvin; he showed up with his buddies – now 4 of them. WOW! Caught fish; ate fish; saw Melvin over and over. This has been such an amazing trip, I hope to come back again next year with Dad and Poppa.


Father/son trip


Started around 4 pm on day of arrival. We fish until dark – it was truly an excellent night of fishing. Next day we fished all day and concluded the quality of walleye in regard to size is outstanding. Day two and three we saw moose, mink and assorted wildlife while enduring a bit of blustery weather. But, the morning bite was outstanding. The quality of fish was astonishing. This lake harbors big fish.

Of course, mayflies hatched so the fishing slowed down but the evening was incredible. Seagraves is challenging, divers and full of terrific walleyes. We had a great time and can’t wait to fish it again.

2010 Season

Party from St. Stephen, MN & Iowa, MI


June 17th Afternoon Started with cold rain & Crappie weather. Had to work to catch fish. Front went through & finished with two peaceful days of Fishing sunny 70 degrees with plenty of Walley & Northern.

Catching both in anything from regular point & shelf structures to shallow, weedy areas. Found mud & crayfish in their stomachs. Tend to be feeding early AM & late evening.

Largest fishes: Walleye – 22” x 3 Northern – 30”
Lake Trout – 25”

Fantastic wildlife – beaver, duck, (4) Bald eagles in single group, caribou on the shore.


86 degrees & then 92 degrees

Pan fried fish on bottom of boat on the way back to camp. Average 85 fish a day Great Lake! Tiny caught a friend for Life


Slow fishing, some (5 total) in 20’-30’ of water. No big northern (28” largest). Some walleyes (24.5” largest) on for east end. Hit and miss on all fish.